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Forum Post: Stop being a group of terrorists

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:32 a.m. EST by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I hope that I´m wrong, but everything points at the fact the USA feels like preparing another mayor act of terror. I know that most of you here know by now, that the info you get from your tv and newspapers cannot be taken serious anymore. But how many of you think the Iranies are dangerous, wife beating criminals that would be better underground than alive? I´m afraid too many. I really hope not too many occupiers believe that too, because that would mean you believe only what you want to believe.

I´m sure most of USA citizens believe one cannot talk with middle eastern guys like Ahmadineyad, but the oposite looks to be the case. Its not worth it speaking with your representatives, because looks like they only do what this socalled 1% wants. And they have a hidden agenda so we don´t know what to expect.

Keep up your fight and stop your acts of terrorism. Same counts for many countries around Europe so don´t worry, we have the same fight here.

I would almost consider ourselves negotiators. The 99% will negotiate for the 1% without knowing what they want. :(



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[-] 3 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

I don't believe that about people from Iran or anywhere else. If you want my take on this whole situation, it is presented more completely and eloquently here in this video than I could ever state myself:


[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

lol that goes with the soundtrack pretty well

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

lol i'm so sorry i ended up watching a different video and forgot which one you recommended. you're video looks intriguing, i watched a few minutes but 40+ minutes is too much for me right now. do you have a shorter more introductory one?

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

Okay, here's an interview with him that I just found that sums everything up and in the context of OWS as well so this is pretty good....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_btXktBTEi8

When you get some time, please try to watch this one too (the original one I posted), it's really pertinent and extremely fascinating: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX1N3opw5eI

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

ok cool, i'll check it out after work

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

Thank you :)

[-] 2 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

You might be interested in this coverage of the recent Iran/US incident.


[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Yep, that is what I mean, somebody has a hidden agenda looks like. Scary to say the least.

[-] 2 points by jjmr247 (4) 13 years ago

disreguard the propaganda part but this is how I feel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKfuS6gfxPY

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Yep, thats what I often feel aswell. (Not always, but for middle eastern countries that describes it quit well)

[-] 2 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

I am worried about us getting own house in order. We spent to much time as a nation worrying about what everyone else was doing and neglecting our own house.

[-] 1 points by michaelbravo (222) 13 years ago

Persians are cool espanola...and brave and noble and we wont stand for any shit from anyone anymore mucho respecto para los espanoles...un cancion para el mundo de mi... called HOPE Humans on Planet Earth...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QrDLwSgg24

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Chilled music! Thanks.

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

i have met 3 people from iran (all from tehran) here at college the past couple months. all of them very intelligent, well-adjusted to America. we agree that most Americans just don't have an in-depth enough understanding of world affairs to know what is right or wrong in the US / Iran tensions. it's a sad state of things, but people in America have felt unrepresented by their politicians more and more lately (only 12% of Americans have confidence in their Congressmen!), and I know a lot of Americans are becoming more critical of US imperialism. hopefully this movement will help raise awareness and elevate the discussion of world affairs by our mainstream media, so the American people can be better educated and rid our politics of the causes most Americans don't really want

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Do you think the people you met would agree on the US starting to free, reorganise their country? I met some people from Iran aswell and some do admit they don´t have the same freedoms as Europeans, but they wouldn´t aplause an invasion.

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

an invasion should be the last thing anyone wants. invasions hurt/kill civilians more than anyone, so even if people in Iran feel repressed, that doesn't mean a massive US invasion is going to make their lives any better. my understanding is the Iranians would much, much rather be in charge of their own revolution.

Americans are finally waking up to the fact that the wealthiest 1% interests in the US have been controlling our politicians and our media coverage of political news for years now. Unfortunately, I know as an American that most Americans have a terribly inadequate understanding of global politics, and so have been extremely vulnerable to being manipulated. After the bank bailout, the failure for any banksters to go to jail for criminally deceptive actions, and the fact the same banksters are earning record bonuses for ruining the global economy, Americans are finally deeply suspicious of who their government is working to protect.

To me, the most important issue to improving the US system is to drive the money out of politics, and to dramatically reform campaign finance so our politicians are just doing favors for monstrous, soul-less corporations their entire time in office, and start listening to the will of their people.

And last, I truly believe an invasion of Iran would be enormously unpopular in the US. I think the outrage would be several times larger than these protests have already been.

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

Thanks for your sought.

While reading I suddenly had this believe that OWS or any attempt to get money out of politics, has more chance to have a positive outcome if you "fight" to get some popular media station on your side. Not that I am in favour to manipulate your nation in any way, but it defenatly looks really hard to get trough to the the large amount of the so-called 99%. I know OWS it trying to reach to everyone, but its a hard battle.

We shall she soon and same counts when it comes to the plans refering Iran. Anyway, I think something big is going to happen worldwide, something very positive, when I see OWS and other alike movements.

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

Well, the difficulty of getting help from mainstream media is that they might try to promote their own agenda. Right now, word-of-mouth and the internet are the best ways we have to keep our messages uncorrupted. It would be very easy for our media to present this issue as a call for more Democrats to be elected. Since the "1%" controls both Republican and Democrats through campaign finance contributions, this would not be any solution at all. So for now, I recommend everyone learn to use the internet to gather their own news.

Yes, I think something very positive could happen from this. We are living at one of these points in history where we now have a technology that can help us communicate directly with people all over the world. I think this will help us organize under a common banner, and potentially change the way our world is governed forever.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

are there any occupiers of Iraq who would like to address this?

[-] 0 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 13 years ago

soloenbarcelona, the U.S. media is the free-est and most proliferate in the world. You represent foreigners poorly and the words you have said are quite offensive. Clearly you have no idea what terrorism is, and that is surprising because we know that Spain has its own problems.

[-] 1 points by soloenbarcelona (199) from Barcelona, CT 13 years ago

It might sound offensive, maybe that´s the idear. I´m not saying you are a terrorist, but your country can be considered a group of terrorist by many nations. And yes, I don´t know what terrorist are anymore. I admit, that these days the moment I see a polititian point a finger at a country by naming them the bad guys I become suspicious and think: "That guy must be a terrorist"

In Spain it´s also hard to say all the people that believe in the goals of the ETA are terrorists, because they are the mayority of "their" country but have to accept what Madrid decides. I agree that these youngsters here that place boms and kill innocent people should be called terrorists, but I understand they believe the same about some of our troops fighting them.

About you saying the US media is the free-es and most prolifarate in the world: Well maybe, but then they just seem to have decided to publish what-ever gives them money or something, because the media is not giving the people the information they need to be well informed, I can asure you of that.

Just hope you don´t start another war for a reason only very few understand and that makes the world a worse place with more enemies for you (and us, because Europe often follows your steps)

[-] 1 points by peacejam (114) 13 years ago

We are sensitive to being called terrorists, but to be fair, our government and US media calls people terrorists all the time. I don't like the term, because I think it overly simplifies and dehumanizes people. I'd rather we talk about the issue, and be careful not to dive into name calling. Anyone who attacks anyone is a terrorist to the person they are attacking. I understand why you use the word, and don't think less of you for doing so, but I think the word more often than not keeps both sides of an issue from having constructive discussions.