Forum Post: Stop asserting political ideology! Democratic or Republican views only hurts the cause!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 6:23 p.m. EST by BonaFidePublius
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please, everyone on this forum needs to understand OWS is a movement that doesn't have a leader or figure head because it is a movement that is free of political ideology. If we want actual freedom, people must understand that shoving democratic ideals down Republicans thoughts, or vice-versa, does not create something everyone can believe in! The problem is not about a few pieces, but the system itself, that can only be changed if everyone understands that the movement is in its nature for EVERYONE!
Everyone wants freedom from corruption, republicans and democrats alike. Its up to everyone apart of this movement to recognize this, and to encourage understanding, rather than shoving pointless ideals that only can result in distrust of the movement.
replacing senators is not overthrowing govt., but yeah we got 2 get replace all the senators in congress. Vote them out.
Yeah, and as I see it, if you flow with the system in place now as an elected official, then they should not be able to help operate in follow up government positions whether or not the current system stays in place or not and the movement holds its course.
I want ONE thing from all this... I WANT MY GOVERNMENT BACK !
As long as we INSIST on squabbling over our petty differences, liberal vs conservative, we will break into FACTIONS with NO POWER ... JUST the way the STATUS QUO wants ! Once we have TAKEN OUR GOVERNMENT BACK, we can settle our MINOR differences using an UNCORRUPTED Democratic system.
For background, see my post at
For a proposal I think ALL of American will support, see
Its hard to say what needs to happen, whether its an overthrowing of the govt or just the banks. Because if people protest against the govt peacefully, it isn't guaranteed they will just sort of step down.. So in that respect, its pretty essential that a group forms to list required demands, with set demands on resetting the banking system, but also with demands within the government itself that deals with the loopholes and future loopholes of the system, especially with corporations and banks, and go from there. Biggest thing though is stripping the current government officials powers without penalty, so it gives more motive for consent.
Im for replacing both sides, but you must know that they are working against you religiously.
Yep. if people wouldnt read national news organizations, we would have a better chance. But, this movement needs to happen, and i think it inevitably will be supported by a majority of people once the real cause is understood. This means, by any means neccesary, whether its social media or even day to day conversation, try to bring up the real meaning. Once people understand, they would be crazy to not support this.
please look:
Because the OWS does not advocate total Anarchy, just that people should have the power to stand up to injustice together - well, here's how we can do that with the PEOPLE together as the leaders. Please look at the post.
the PEOPLE are the leaders
Exactly. We must act in a way any public official would to gain support. However, the catch is that in the end, if the movement succeeds, it benefits everyone, including those who are by todays standards rich. The only people it does not benefit is those running the system itself.
how about a DemoRepubliSociaLiberConservaGreenTea party?
That may catch a few peoples eyes... maybe the anti-corruption party? like the anti-federalists.. ha
:P i like you.
Both of those parties have such a history of BETRAYAL of the people that they should be FULLY investigated by a PEOPLE'S TRIBUNAL and, if found guilty, de dissolved and the millions they amassed be returned to the people.
yep. Along with the 99% of the wealth that the elite few possesses from centralized banks they hold in Europe, Africa, and the US's Federal Reserve. Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, and others must be held accountable for the destruction they have caused.
Yes!!! "WE THE PEOPLE", when we take back the power that is rightfully ours under the Constitution, will need to be SMART and STRONG and create a People's Tribunal to fully investigate all wrongdoing AND recoup all of those TRILLIONS that were in effect stolen from the people.
probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have a group of 50-100 people who understand REAL Democracy, and have them form some kind of committee to actually formulate a plan for what to do, if they haven't already. If we have a group of knowledgeable people who want to help the good of the people, then they could formulate something to adjust the system itself that limits the current and potential loopholes to corruption.
Personally I think PIECEMEAL REFORM will not work. It's sort of like taking a completely rotten apple and trying desperately to salvage some parts and hoping to make a good pie out of them!
I would like to see a NATIONAL REFERENDUM creating a "WTP (We The People) Commission" that would dissolve EVERYTHING - including the Fed, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the works! - and rebuild America ANEW. Give us back our Republic!!!
thats what i meant. Our government from the start, and especially in the 1900s, intertwined heavily with corruption whether it be corporations, schools, wars, whatever. Im saying a committee that can lead the movement as is now and somewhat hold demands, and from there, if a Republic is established, devise a way to nominate those who will draft the constitution that have consistently have advocated for the people.