Forum Post: Stop the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 26, 2012, 1:53 p.m. EST by toukarin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While some may have celebrated the withdrawal of SOPA and PIPA from debate... ACTA has already been signed by the President...
While not a 'law' per se... it is an 'international trade agreement' which is incredibly more vague and therefore offers tremendous latitude for law enforcement agencies to interpret and enforce it as they see fit.
Lots of people still don't get it the Governments are preparing to crack your heads open and you all are still asking them for handouts? These people hate the poor, the middle class and activists and people still think they will save them from the problem they created. It.s insane.
I agree let's demand our country never follows this.