Forum Post: stock portfolio is up 18.1% so far this year
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 9:02 a.m. EST by onepercentguy
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thanks ben. you rule. :)
fed has no choice but to keep flattening the yield curve through the year, even in the face of job growth picking up steam.
expectations for earnings are still piss poor due to europe contagion fears. every upside surprise is us rocketing higher. i love it.
my biggest gainers are dendreon, a biotech company with a prostate cancer treatment, and lululemon, a yoga apparel company. both speculative, both on the leading edge of the recovery.
the recovery, while slow, is real and happening, the economic data is undeniable.
new useful product, and catering to rich folks absolutely do not suggest the economy is on the mend. most people have mortgaged their future, they spent it all on a house and that's why the broader economy is contracting.
nonsense. anyone who can afford to buy clothes can afford a pair of yoga pants. and provenge, while wildly expensive, isnt paid for by the end user most of the time, its covered by entitlement programs
what yoga pants for $150+--for 90% of people that's a week's groceries? yes they focus on the rich only, that's why they're in my town. provenge is a new useful product paid for by taxpayers mostly, and sometimes by a private insurer. i am saying these companies valuations increasing does NOT imply an improving economy. that's tin foil hat thinking.
What a great country!!!
That should make 55% of the 99% happy. 18.15 increase on 9 trillion... hmmmm
It is not about what you made this year it is what you bought this year while the market was down. "I lost all my retirement money when the market went down,,,," Sure you did,,, you sold all your stocks while the market was down,,, you idiot. You should have held and purchased more stocks while it was down. You only lose money when you sell on the down side. History will once again show that you can make far more money in stocks than any other investment.
Mine is way up, not 18 but really nice. The best part was while the stocks were diving and then coming back up. I bought a lot of new stocks while they were down. This is a GREAT COUNTRY. Thank you corporations for allowing me to make money, even with very little to start with, and i'm not even required to get my finger nails dirty. Even a whining idiot could make money in the stock market,,, if only they would stop whining.
love to see your precise positions as of this moment. i've been in the biz long enough to know 99% of braggarts are lying, flat out. i run a book, and we're up 8%, humble, but 53% better than paulson down 45%.
"all braggarts lie, now let me do some bragging of my own" lol
again: put up or shut up. positions right now... list them. i'll create a little tracker screen for you, and throw them on a PIP on monitor 22. also, indicate whether it's equity, debt or derivative (add expiration).