Forum Post: Stock Market Manipulation At Its Very Best
Posted 12 years ago on July 20, 2012, 6:56 p.m. EST by enough
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Where are the cops?
Posted 12 years ago on July 20, 2012, 6:56 p.m. EST by enough
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Where are the cops?
A thread on real, genuine OWS issues?? How rare
This is smoking cannon gun evidence of illegal stock market manipulation, writ large for everyone to see. The implications are huge for the integrity of our markets. Honest investors are effectively paying a stealth tax on their trades to the firms running the algos. Government regulators won't do anything unless public pressure is brought to bear.
At Dunkin Doughnuts
They're busy tazering some guy for smoking a joint. No time for the most damaging criminals.
Thank you for link. Good to know.
Yeah, this is classic stock market manipulation right out there in everyone's face. It looks like high frequency algo traders don't care anymore if the whole world sees what they are doing. Usually, they keep their front-run and pump-and-dump market manipulations to time intervals of a few seconds or a few minutes. This time, either by mistake or by design, they showed us they can do it all day long. After all, they know that Securities and Exchange Commission, which is supposed to watch out for us, is sitting on its hands while Wall Street traders rip us off in broad daylight.
The regulators didn't do anything about Libor manipulation and they aren't doing anything about computerized stock manipulation. At least, they are consistent. Meanwhile, the main stream media is asleep at the wheel. They wouldn't recognize a market mega-scandal if it hit them between the eyes with the lights on.
Hi enough,
Yes, both regulation and main stream media coverage are missing. It all gets worse, every day.
Investors might as well go to Vegas, as opposed to Wall Street.
Strange world we live in.