Forum Post: Stock Market Looking Identical to Pre-Depression Run Up
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 15, 2014, 5:43 p.m. EST by JGriff99mph
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Conditions are the same as well.
Just remember, when it crashes, you will be awarded with two choices of what to do next. Both of which are provided by the people who caused it to begin with.
Another world is possible.
''Usurious Returns on Phantom Money : The Credit Card Gravy Train'', by Ellen Brown :
''If we allowed government to actually make some money, it could be self-funding without taxing the citizens. When an alternative public system is in place, the private mega-bank dinosaurs will no longer be “too big to fail.” They can be allowed to fade into extinction, in a natural process of evolution toward a more efficient and sustainable system of exchange.'' Also consider :
''Noam Chomsky : How to Ruin an Economy ; Some Simple Ways" (Video) :
''Dr. Chomsky focuses on what economic actions that government, the super rich and corporations are taking that insures the US and other economies fail for the overwhelming majority of people.We're a nation whose leaders are pursuing policies that amount to economic "suicide".
Also fyi : .
''The Only Thing Worth Globalising Is Dissent'' (AR). Nice.
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...
"We're a nation whose leaders are pursuing policies that amount to economic "suicide""
I agree. Theres a slew of solutions we could put in. Some are better than others, but they are all better than what we currently have which was accurately described as suicide.
Theres just simply not enough people actively participating.
''The Neoliberal capture of the state has laid the ground for the financialization of capitalism, a stage of capitalism that cannot be reversed without developing new methods of public provision in housing, education, health, pensions and the other sources financialization has used to create profit.'' from :
''The Financialization of Capitalism'' : + consider these following links : ; ; and see .. and + finally consider :
"Everyday Socialism, American-Style, Is Happening Now'', by Gar Alperowitz : .
e tenebris, lux ...
I found Gar via this site, from Struggle4Freedom and have to say, have really enjoyed his stuff on youtube. So much so, I bought What Then Must We Do and its just full of examples of people creating coops to create their own jobs, real examples from all over.
Highly recommended for anyone who has heard enough theory and wants some real life examples of how to put it in action.
Gar Alperovitz is second to none in thinking the new thinking needed for The 99%. & re. your comment !!
per aspera ad astra ...
''Neoconservative'' pertains to empire, foreign policy and hegemony ; ''Neoliberal'' pertains to 'Crapitalism, Economix & Libertopia' !!! Terminological exactitude is important !! Sorry to say it .. but your link is b-s ! & fyi ...
Sadly, Obomber of course is irredeemably infected by both.
ad iudicium ...
Good points. Well made. BUT - these terms do still have meaning & 'right wing' meaning at that. Sorry I didn't see your 'sarcasm'. It is too serious a business sometimes, so by way of a lighter moment ... a horse walks into a bar & the bar man looks up and asks - ''So - why the long face ?'' ;-) Jokes aside, here's possibly why :
fiat lux ...
Ok. Same applies vice versa and harvesting ''from'' or 'by' the private sector ... the NSA is one of the top layers of 'The Military Industrial Complex' that Eisenhower warned about so long ago ! Democracy is the answer !! Wherever we are !!!
e tenebris, lux ...
I have no idea where the premise of your question comes from. I never suggested it or even think it would be possible in the short or even medium term. In the long term a 'democratically elected and accountable' government 'of, by & for' the people - as opposed to The Corporations, is the real key :
multum in parvo ...
I answered already ! The NSA does what it does for commercial, as much as any 'security' reasons & it does what it does mainly because it can & post factum rationalisations as to why, come after the event and then only if someone shines a rare ray of light as to wtf it is up to !! So, what is your best guess ?!!!
ad iudicium ...
Perhaps so but rather than condescending to patronise me - perchance you could educate and enlighten me instead or at least throw a few links my (and everyone elses') way. Also fyi, see :
''85 Billionaires and the Better Half'', by Dr. Michael Parenti : &
''Global Capitalism Has Written Off The Human Race'', by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : from whch :
''International capitalism has raised greed to a determinant force in world history. Unregulated greed-driven capitalism is destroying the jobs prospects of First World labor and the ability of Third World countries, whose agricultures have been turned into export monocultures serving the global capitalists, to feed themselves. When the crunch comes, the capitalists will let the “other” humanity starve. As the capitalists declare in their high level meetings, “there are too many people in the world.”
ipsa scientia potestas est ...
takes public access out of data collection
This is different to what is now going on .. how ?! The difference between The Allegedly 'Public' and The Actually 'Private' is so marginal as to be near illusory !! The ''will be worse'' defence is really NO defence, there is next to no ''oversight'' & the USG and Congress (in the main) resents even the suggestion of it !!!
'Eisenhower Extracts from 53 years ago' :
Also ... Full Speech & Transcript : !!
'' ... The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist ... we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process ...''
respice, adspice, prospice ...
''If there were no oversight right now, then the revelations by Snowden would simply not be heard by the government no matter how long the media repeated them. And while we are at it - lets not forget - THE MEDIA happens to be reporting the story.'' ! BOLLOCKS & ergo fyi : !! Finally, don't fkn swear at me so readily - you glib, conservative, oafish, smug, self-agrandising arse !!!
temet nosce ...
Nope ! But anything more would be wasted on u, u toilet mouthed prick !! Taken over gobshite duties from 'GirlFriedHead' have u ?!!!
nosce te ipsum ...
yep I's a genie but no one wants to pay me
hello i'm luca from italy, five star movement.... ready to help occupy wall street
shares are worth this shares are in that
all the money is in shares
do you have shares ?
For at least the last twenty (?) years now.
This has been a bull market like we haven't ever seen since the tech run, but what's fueling this one? The money printers.
I guess what the question is- is this the middle of an absolute gloabal corporate takeover? Or is history going to repeat itself when these conditions occur?
Also - in identifying Wallstreet as a BULLSHIT market place. What do you think would happen to the price of aluminum if Liquid Metal Batteries went into full scale production? Hint ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to the detriment of improving the power grid nation/world wide.
it's not on wikipedia
It's been a bullshit market from pretty much the very beginning - what's preventing the current final crash? - yes that would be the billions and billions of dollars printed (? - more like electronic smoke and mirrors ) that is propping up the market to this point in time - that artificial and quite honestly totally fictional infusion of strength (?) is gonna sooner or later turn into a financial nuclear meltdown.
the contractors told the teacher's that the dog ate their homework