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Forum Post: Stock Market

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:35 p.m. EST by stank (14)
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Made a killing yesterday - $200,000 on 1 trade. Keep up the protest - never made so much money. By the way - look up - I am watching you from my Manhatten co-op.



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[-] 1 points by touchit (126) 13 years ago

Shit you are going to have to pay short term cap gains to the evil government. what a terrible country this is. all of this opportunity and stuff

[-] 1 points by kalrajhi (8) 13 years ago

Nice 200,000, you're the man!

[-] 1 points by Divinityfound (112) from Lincoln, NE 13 years ago

No one is hating on you making money. Its only when you are using our money.

And last I checked, whenever someone loses money, someone else makes money in the market.

[-] 1 points by stank (14) 13 years ago

The stock market is an ever expanding pie. Some lose on investments if the value of there stock in companies goes down - but that doesn't mean someone lost. You need to educate yourself on how the stock market works - it isn't the rich taking from the poor - all values can go up on any given day - all could go down - it isn't one individual taking from another - that isn't how investing in stocks works. You are actually betting your money against your own knowledge - you may lose or win on your investment but your money gain or lost comes from you and you alone.

[-] 1 points by lchapman (4) 13 years ago

We'll see who has the last laugh when we start pulling our money from the market.

[-] 1 points by stank (14) 13 years ago

Pulling your money from the stock market - don't make me laugh. You protest is doing nothing but making the value of my investments go up. I diversified anticipating what is occurring - your protest helps some firms stock increase in value. By the way I think it was some of your money I took yesterday when your so called investment tanked - I am so sorry in advance of you finding out! NOT!!

[-] 1 points by ForTheWinnebago (143) 13 years ago

Wait until all the retired folk start decreasing their risk and shifting from equity to fixed income. Also, many of them will have to liquidate their accounts to pay for increases in costs of living because of food/energy price increases.

Also QE cannot go in ad infinitum, and if you think these idiots in Europe are going to be able to contain the Greek crisis you are delusional. Italy as the 2nd largest bond market in the world, and if Spain goes, the entire financial system will collapse.

[-] 1 points by stank (14) 13 years ago

And who may I ask is causing these increases. Barrack Hussein Obama with his ever increasing regulations and restrictions on energy exploration in the USA. Believe elderly people are much smarter than you give them credit for. Anyway how do you shift from equity to fixed income investment - I think you mean guaranteed interest. QE 1 & 2 should have never occurred - that was the Federal Reserve at the prodding of Obama's administration - just one failure of many from this administration who are responsible for the jobs situation we find ourselves in now.

[-] 1 points by ForTheWinnebago (143) 13 years ago

Ahh the old right wing tactic of using his scary middle name, Hussein, HUSSEIN! Are you one of those insightful fellows that think Sharia Law is imminent? By the way, I am disgusted with the Obama administration, equally disgusted with the Bush Administration. There has been near seamless continuity between the two, everything from foreign policy, to economic policy.

I disagree with the current Administrations' regulations on domestic energy exploration, and also disagree with the way they are going about regulating finance. Bring back Glass-Steagall, and cut out 50% of the other worthless regulations. Examine all regulatory bodies for conflicts of interest, for example, the OCC is an organization that regulates banks, but is also funded by banks. All regulatory bodies should be funded by appropriations from Congress and should not be financed by the very industries they are regulating.

How do you shift form an equity to fixed income investment? Well let me see, you sell the stock, then you buy the bond.

I agree QE1 and 2 should not have occurred and the administration did have influence in those policies.

[-] 1 points by touchit (126) 13 years ago

but you are the 99 percent according to your dogma you have no money in the market