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Forum Post: Still, the best first step to take back our government!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:21 p.m. EST by MarkDuwe (127)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When a politician runs for office he or she is not allowed to use any money for their campaign except the check they would get from us, the tax payers. And, it wouldn't be for very much. Most campaigns would have to depend on public forums, press releases and knocking on doors, which is the best way to get votes.

The way it is now legislators and other elected officials are owned by what ever corporation or special interest could shovel the most cash in their pockets. Also, and I'm not exagerating, congress persons and senators spend half their waking hours drumming up donations.

Let's put them back to work,..for us and get the money out of politics.

Another reason this should be the number one priority is because no current politicians wants this system to change. Why? Because it's making them rich! That's not democracy,...that's bullshit.

No More Bullshit We're taking our country back!



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