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Forum Post: Still have not received my paycheck from Moveon.org for protesting at Zuccotti Park

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:13 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS (115)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I've written them several emails and have not received a response. This is getting ridiculous. They were supposed to pay me $600 for the week and I got nothing.

Has anyone else received their checks?



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

Who funds MoveOn?

MoveOn is entirely funded by its members—small donors giving small donations. Last year, our average donation was just $25.74. This year, it's even lower: $20.00. And we've had more than 300,000 different donors since the beginning of 2010.

We fund our activities on an as-we-go basis. So when we start a new campaign or start a new action, we ask our members to fund us so we can take that action.

MoveOn Political Action, our federal political action committee, publicly discloses all donations over $200 to the Federal Election Commission and does not take more than $5,000 in any year from any individual, as required by law. MoveOn Civic Action, our c(4) organization, similarly does not solicit large donations and while it legally could accept large contributions, we've chosen to limit contributions to the same level as the PAC.

Is MoveOn claiming to fundraise on behalf of Occupy Wall Street?

No. MoveOn has only fundraised for itself twice since #Occupy Wall Street began and both fundraisers were focused on raising money for MoveOn projects.

One fundraiser, sent the week of September 19, was to air an ad supporting the "Buffett Rule" so millionaires don't pay a lower tax rate than middle-class families. The other was to fund our campaigning to win Jobs Not Cuts in Washington and to Make Wall Street Pay. It references the great success that Occupy Wall Street has had at shifting the national conversation about the economy, but is careful to lay out clearly the MoveOn activities that need support so that MoveOn members can make an informed decision about whether our campaign is something they want to donate to.

Is MoveOn funded by George Soros or other billionaires?

As detailed above, MoveOn is entirely funded by small donations from its members. Fox News and other right-wing sources insist on lying about this fact, but that doesn't make it any less true.

George Soros gave a sizable donation to MoveOn Voter Fund in 2004 to match the donations coming from small donors aimed at stopping President Bush's horrible policies. He hasn't given since and MoveOn's Voter Fund, a 527 organization, was closed down after the 2004 election.

Is MoveOn a front for the Democratic Party?

We believe working together to elect candidates who share our values and defeat those who don't is a key way for progressives to build the power we need to win economic and other progressive reform. But MoveOn is and always has been an independent organization. By law, MoveOn Political Action's ability to coordinate with or donate directly to any candidate is severely restricted. We do independently fundraise and work for progressive candidates who garner the endorsement of MoveOn members in an open vote.

Because the candidates we support are progressive, they tend to be Democrats or members of independent progressive parties like the Working Families Party, but if MoveOn members decided to endorse a progressive independent or Republican, that's who MoveOn would support.
[-] 3 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago


What is MoveOn?

MoveOn is more than 5 million regular folks from all across the country who work together for a more progressive America. It was founded in 1998 and has evolved into one of the largest progressive organizations in the country. MoveOn is a service—a way for concerned citizens to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and powerful special interests.

What's MoveOn's relationship to Occupy Wall Street?

MoveOn stands in solidarity with the brave protesters at Occupy Wall Street, but we're not Occupy Wall Street and we're not trying to become Occupy Wall Street. That said, many individual MoveOn members have chosen to participate in their local occupations and many others have provided material support.

MoveOn's members agree with many of the core beliefs that protesters at Occupy Wall Street have expressed—that corporations have far too much power in our political system, that our economy is only working for the richest 1% of Americans while leaving 99% of us behind, and that big Wall Street banks wrecked our economy and were never held accountable.

And as would be true with any diverse, vibrant movement like Occupy Wall Street, MoveOn members don't agree with everything Occupy Wall Street supporters say. But we're grateful for the amazing work that Occupy Wall Street has done to highlight deep problems that for too long have been ignored in public discussions.
[-] 1 points by DRMartin789 (287) from Broomfield, CO 13 years ago

hahahaha! ROFL! Good one!

Oh wait. You weren't actually thinking anybody would fall for that were you? You almost sounded serious.

[-] 1 points by savethe99 (33) 13 years ago

You should be protesting for free.
Oh ... er .... I guess you're kidding about the paycheck thing. You're clever. www.savethe99.com

[-] -1 points by NHSparky (-2) from River Edge, NJ 13 years ago

Wow...expecting to get paid for your passions? Oh, the irony.

[-] -2 points by NHSparky (-2) from River Edge, NJ 13 years ago

I just got my Skittle-shitting pony. Mmmmmmm....good Skittles. Want some?