Forum Post: Still have not received my paycheck from for protesting at Zuccotti Park
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:13 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
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I've written them several emails and have not received a response. This is getting ridiculous. They were supposed to pay me $600 for the week and I got nothing.
Has anyone else received their checks?
Who funds MoveOn?
Is MoveOn claiming to fundraise on behalf of Occupy Wall Street?
Is MoveOn funded by George Soros or other billionaires?
Is MoveOn a front for the Democratic Party?
What is MoveOn?
What's MoveOn's relationship to Occupy Wall Street?
hahahaha! ROFL! Good one!
Oh wait. You weren't actually thinking anybody would fall for that were you? You almost sounded serious.
You should be protesting for free.
Oh ... er .... I guess you're kidding about the paycheck thing. You're clever.
Wow...expecting to get paid for your passions? Oh, the irony.
I just got my Skittle-shitting pony. Mmmmmmm....good Skittles. Want some?