Forum Post: Still don't think race matters?
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 26, 2013, 6:17 p.m. EST by freakzilla
from Detroit, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
These Super PAC's will stop at nothing.
This seems racist. no?
Race is a made-up human construct. Recognizing 'race' is complete lunacy.
Sign against this racism, please
Is this made up?
There is nothing genetically different from people of Asian heritage to people of European heritage. Its a total social construct as he said, simply still there for divide and conquer purposes.
Racism on the other hand is very real. Also kept alive by the divide and conquerers.
So you wanna kill all muslims? Huh? So you support this racism? You won't sign the petition against this hateful act?
Because of some nonsensical, esoteric, pedantic, argument that racism is made up?
Do you want to kill all muslims?
Where did you just get all THAT from?
heh, heh, gotta love MultiMan logic!
You responded to my petition against the clown who says we "should kill all muslims" with a comment that differences between europeans and asians "is a social construct"t.
That guy is a total jackass, and definitely deserves to get his ass beat.
The comment was in reference to what HCaberet was saying. We need to get over race in general. Completely remove it from our vocabularies.
So your comment to ME was in response to the guy who says we should fight racism by stating it doesn't exist?
Do you support the fight against racism? Or not?
Please I beg you be clear. Think about your answer, use a dictionary if you must, ask an adult.
I know you can get this right. You have all my confidence. And let me throw you a bone.
I agree we need to get over race, and remove it from our vocabulary. At the same time we must fight the racist fucks like Erik Rush. No?
No one said racism doesnt exist. They said race doesnt exist, which then means that racism is a totally absurd aspect of this human's life.
Get it?
I think this guy should get punched in the face. Thats just me.
So you disagree we should fight against racism? And you don't support the effort to pressure for Erik Rushs firing?
(I disregard your punch comment cause that is unrelated to the actions at question)
I think he should be fired. And preferably dropped off in the middle of Ramala so the entire city can punch him in the face.
A bit immature. I don't think you are serious. I guess this is not important enough for you to be serious.
You certainly don't seem outraged. You wanna discuss vocabulary and genetic differences?
Sorry, there are no genetic differences. You need to stop spreading that shit. As far as this dude goes, I would certainly hope he got fired.
And Im serious about the other part. Drop him off and let the people give him some real justice. Surely the guy from Brooklyn would be down with that.
A constant drumbeat denouncing this obscenity against decent human beings.
He should be ridiculed, humiliated, at work & at home.
Anyone who hires should be boycotted and denounced. A movement formed to remove their license. Politicians connected or who appear should be hounded until they denounce the network and the racist piece of shit in question.
A little immature. A serious person might suggest a valid course of action and serious punishment.
And I didn't bring up genetics, some other moron did.
Honestly, what more do you want than having him fired?
I would fire him and kick him in the ass on the way out. But I doubt FOX will even fire him, their viewers tend to like all that hillbilly racist nonsense.
What did I tell you about petitions?
Signing a piece of paper will not stop people from classifying people based on skin color.
You are mistaken.
Put your support for this kind of offensiveness aside and sign the petition.
I do not support the concept of classifying people based on their skin color anymore than I support arguing and begging with idiot.
Direct action is required, not signing a piece of paper and hoping that change will just happen.
What direct action are you suggesting?
stop paying a good start.
take away thier ability to act. Sun Tsu suggests sabotage, Thoreau suggests sabotage by not paying taxes.
Have you stopped paying taxes?
And how exactly does that fight racism?
Clearly you save money, and benefit from the American/westerm culture without paying, but how does it make any difference regarding racism? (post topic!)
So you don't live in the US, and you purchase NO products that have any connection to WallStreet??
I most defiantly live in one of the US states and I purchase mostly used products from third parties and I grow most of my own food, I don't drive, I don't own a tv or computer.
Then you pay taxes.
There's no way around it.
What do I pay taxes on?
I don't have a job.
Anything you buy, or any service that you use.
Only WallStreet gets a tax free, free lunch, and we pay for it.
You should know that by now.
Delaware doesn't have a sales tax and there isn't a federal sales tax.
This matters
A media construct?
Is this made up too?
Another racist cpac nugget for your entertainment.
Did you even read my post?
Im not defending people who invoke 'race' to further themselves. Im critisizing anyone who thinks that "race" is scientific fact.
CPAC thinks that "race" is real. They are LUNATICS.
Who cares if race is scientific fact?
Do you think the African American man tied to a tree being whipped cares?
Or his wife being raped by their white massah?
Or the freedman hung because of false accusation, no accusation, or just cause the white man wants his land,?
Or the black community terrorized by KKK?
Or the population of black children underserved by the school system?
Or the millions who've had their votes suppressed?
Or the millions of black young people stopped n frisked cause they look suspicious?
You are arguing whether race is scientific when no one is making that point, no one cares, your statement is meaningless and serves as a distraction from the profound crime of racism we are still struggling with.
Try to keep up.
Racism is the by product of think that "race" is an actual real thing.
Getting rid of "race" is the only way to fight racism. Stop catagorizing people based on the color of thier skin pigment!!!!!
Can't we fight racism by identifying, & denouncing the racists who oppress people based on their skin color?
That'll work.
Yes, but because you are supposedly ABOVE the racists, then you shouldnt be calling people "black" or "white" or whatever. Call them "people" or "humans".
Dont lower yourself to their level.
"Above"? What are you talking about?. It is appropriate to identify the groups being oppressed when fighting against the racists.
You are misplacing your objections. Object to the racists actions, and slurs not to the people identifying the groups being abused.
The concept of "race" is inappropriate. I object to categorising people based on how much of a tan they have.
And I object to the racist oppression and abuse that continues.
i object, & oppose to any & all slavery.
Please provide a link.
I object the continued use of skin color to classify people and using these classes as means of oppression.
Holy shit! I sound like a commie!!!
Your distraction of objecting to use of skin color in conversation, is a weak attempt to deflect from the necessary work of identifying racist acts/people, and denouncing prosecuting same.
First it isn't illegal to have prejudice. Second, my focus is preventing new racists from coming into existence by denoucing the categorisation of people based their skin color.
We must join together against THIS kind of hateful racism.
Are you with us?
Who is "us"? and why must I join with "us" to fight racism?
Why cant you fight racism in your own way and let me fight racism in my own way?
By fighting racist oppression I contribute to racism?
You live in Bizarro world?
You keep referring to people on a count of their skin color. You refered to "minorities" as well as "blacks" and "whites". You feed the fire instead of trying to put it out.
I think your efforts can be more effective fighting the haters & their actions rather than focusing on the distraction ofterminology.
Does this move you at all.?
"us" is the anti racism forces.
Are you with us against THIS racism?
Then why do keep refering to people based on their "Race"?
The concept of Race is Racism.
Dont you get that?
Racism will cease when people stop recognizing the concept of "race" and start treating ALL people like people.
You distract from the real fight against racist actions by deflecting the conversation to pedantic, terminology.
You are trying to protect those perpetrating racist oppression?
I'm trying to expose and denounce the racists, yourself included.
I was trying to be nice and/or subtle, but yes your retoric very pro-"race" and anti-colourblindness.
You gotta stop fanning the fire under the racist's pants. You aren't going to end racism while spouting out racism yourself.
Refer to people as People, not as whites, or blacks, Minorities.
People are People.
You're simply engaged in a weak attempt to distract from the important discussion of real harmful racist oppression by trying to deflect the conversation to the meaningless pedantic discussion of terminology.
As a result your actions serve to support real harmful racist oppression y providing cover for them.
They're are far more racist than you, yet you continue to contribute to racism.
People should be treated as people, but until we start identifying, denouncing, and prosecuting where possible instead of wasting time with the distraction of pedantic, terminology centric efforts I suppose racism will continue.
I have identified and denounced your continual refusal to abstain from categorising people into "races".
Treat people equally and individually by not grouping them
Racism is not referring to small population groups as minorities.
Racism is the oppression and discrimination in housing, jobs, education, & the perpetration of violence based on skin color.
I think you are confused about the problem of racism.
The racist part is grouping people in the first place.
Why can't people just be treated as people?
Is it ok if I identify, denounce and agitate for prosecution of the racist fucks who discriminate against people of color in housing, jobs, and education.?
You can focus on the meaningless distraction of terminology and semantics and I'll fight the good fight of securing civil rights for minorities.
is that ok with you?
Why are "they" "minorities"? What makes them less? It is an arbitrary grouping based on the color of their skin that makes them a "minority"?
Why can't you just treat each person as an individual human being?
EVERYONE deserves freedom.
They already look like fools because we have already taken away race as a valid means of grouping people. We did that by fighting & winning a civil war, struggling for 100 more years battling segregation, and passing the very legislation you referred to.
So now we must identify, denounce, & prosecute (where possib;e) the fools who are engaging in the acts of racism that hurts our fellow Americans.
You gotta expose the fact that they call dark skinned people "black" and light skinned people "White".
Call them people!!!
Sounds like a deflection from the effort to identify, denounce & prosecute where possible racist people/acts.
Prejudice may not be illegal by racist oppression in jobs, housing, etc are violations of civil rights, so there is that possibility of prosecution.
We have several pieces of civil rights legislation that have been in effect for many, many years. If you have a problem with a racist who you feel has discriminated against you somehow, then I suggest you report i t to the proper agency who handles that stuff. Otherwise I can't do anything about it at this moment. However, what I can do right now, is to advocate for colour-blindness. Race is the tool of racists. If you take away Race, then the racists won't have anything to use anylonger, they would just look like fools who think that skin color determines things like intelligence and athletic ability.
Who said they were "less". Not me.
Is it ok if I identify, denounce and agitate for prosecution of the racist who discriminate against people of color in housing, jobs, and education.?
You can focus on the meaningless distraction of terminology and semantics and I'll fight the good fight of securing civil rights for those targeted by the racists.
is that ok with you?
You called the "minorities".
Is that not racist?
With every post you exhibit your idiocy, VQ.
You disagree with me regarding my objection to racism? Say it. Don't hide a baseless personal attack as a childish distraction.
You object to racism, I do not disagree with that , but you're still an idiot, VQ.
Because I object to racism? That is what this thread topic is about y'know.
You childish baseless personal attacks only reflect your weakness. Are you smart enough to understand that?
Id rather be an idiot than whatever you are.
When did I characterize people based on their skin pigment?
When I described the real historic, and current abuse, oppression of African Americans?
"Do you think the African American man tied to a tree being whipped cares?
Or his wife being raped by their white massah?
Or the freedman hung because of false accusation, no accusation, or just cause the white man wants his land,?
Or the black community terrorized by KKK?
Or the population of black children underserved by the school system?
Or the millions who've had their votes suppressed?
Or the millions of black young people stopped n frisked cause they look suspicious?"
In your post you said "black" three times, you said "african american" once, you said "white" twice. Stop refering to people based on the color of their skin!
Nothing wrong with referring to skin color when identifying the groups being abused, and those perpetrating the abuse.
How come you have nothing to say about the racist abuse I listed? Do you only object to the discussion because you want to silence the valid, necessary accusations that MUST occur if we are going to succeed at stopping the racist oppression.?
I want to stop the concept of "race", which is the cause of racism.
Racism is the result of identifying people based on skin color.
Racism is the result of evil, scared, greedy people who have no morals or ethics. We must identify, and denounce all who would abuse, exploit & oppress others.
You also gotta identify what is causing them to be oppressive in the first place.
discriminating in housing, employment, police targeting minorities, unequal justice in court, chasing down and beating minorities are the important work of all who object to racism.
Fighting against "grouping people by race" pales in comparison.
But good luck in all your good efforts.
Gracias. Lo siento that I could not be of more assistance to your cause.
because they are evil, greedy, scared, selfish people who have no morals & ethics.
Didn't I just say that?
We know that they are evil, greedy, ect, ect, whatever; but labelling them as such is not enough to prevent them from acting upon their morals.
Yeah you wasting energy distracting from the meaningful work of identify, denouncing, & prosecuting racist people/acts.
Grouping people together into an arbitrary group based on their common skin color is a racist act.
But you AREN'T labeling them as such. In fact you are arguing we shouldn't identify them as racists.
So let's identify them as racists, denounce them, humiliate them, and prosecute any who break the law.
That can help.
No, I am saying that anyone who thinks that people should be arbitrarily grouped based on the color of their skin pigment is a racist.
if you were assaulted,..and had to give a description of the assailant, you would say either male or female, height, weight, hair color , clothing worn AND of what race the assailant was.
I would tell what color skin pigment the particular INDIVIDUAL whom assaulted me had.
That would not be grouping this person into a community, it would be a simple description of that individual.
My objection is when people refer to the "black community" or the "white community" as if all people with those skin colors constituted a single entity that could act in unison.
Thats right,.....a description which includes race. the people that use the term " black community" are usually black.
My description included the skin color of that single person, I made no mention of "race" nor did I compare this individual to other based their skin color. I was asked to say what color most resembled this person's skin color, not enter this person into a grouping with other people based on their skin color.
Why must someone be an involuntary member of community simply based on the color of their skin?
it's actually a byproduct of bigotry.
A kind of "colorful" excuse for it.
He provided some accurate descriptions for you.
It's very wrong of you to pretend he didn't.
Refering to people as "black" or "white" is the perfect example of bigotry.
Why cant you refer to them as "people"?
No really it isn't. It's not perfect.
A perfect example is the REDs push for voter purges while they pretend it isn't about skin color.
Until of course one of the admits it WAS about skin color.
They like to punish those that don't vote for the RED agenda.
The census is racist. The government is racist.
OK and you are a nut bag.
Good to know.
See you around
At least you had the nut bag to tell me that. ;)
Instead of calling me names, why don't you actually rebut me?
You may have something there. If nothing else, they move very slowly
Scotus run by racist conservative fucks!!
Please sign
No thanks.
I agree with you to a certain extent, but I refuse to sign any petition I didn't write myself.
Have you written any?
Maybe this will help you understand the statement you made better.
Great show that will explain much.
This one is little long but I think if your really interested in the statement you made you can get through it.
Really? Who made it up? And why?
I said 'human' construct........
I have no clue why We made it up........
Which humans? As to why: what did you find when you searched for why?
Are you not intellectually challenged?.
If you state it was made up, why didn't you learn who & why at that time?
Homo sapien sapiens......What other living kind of human is there?
There is less genetic variation in Homo sapien sapiens than anyother large mammal species on earth. We are extremely similar to eachother in genetic makeup.
The concept of 'race' is used to seperate people into groups based on the color of thier skin pigment. Dont you see how foolish that is?
Please, I live it brother.
I think it is important to specify that the humans from Europe create the concept of race in order to dehumanize humans from Africans to make it easy to treat them less than human and enslave them.
So your statement that humans made up race is empty without these critical details.
Yes generally europeans started the whole thing.
The han chinese dont like the tibetians or the hmong.
The Hutus dont like the Tutsis and vice versa.
The Arabs dont like the Kurds.
While the euros started it, it has turned into a complete human fantasy used to carry out atrocities in the name of 'superiority'.
Blaming the originators wont fix it now.
Understanding the Euro originaters, owning up to the crimes against humanity, maybe even.......................................Reparations!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha.
That sounds like a great start towards fixing it. I mean this thread itself proves it still goes on. Right?.
Again with the reperations?????
What kind of 'reperations' for this particular crime so you have in mind?
I believe that judgement should be made by a court in front of a jury of our peers.
Should the crimes be judged in a domestic american court or in an international criminal court?
One would have peers, one would not?
Should it my peers, your peers, the accused peers? Do we all have the same peers? Can they move for a change of venue?
Peers refers to the accused. Are you familiar with the American legal system?
International court seems most appropriate but I would prefer American legal system.
All motions should be decided by the judge.
Domestic courts generally dont hear cases concerning 'crimes against humanity' as you beleive have been committed.
If such a case was ever heard, it would almost certainly be heard by the ICC, which is not a jury court.
Thank you, smelly.
smell ya later.
I'm suggesting a new special international court set up for this purpose utilizing American legal concepts.
Good luck with that......honestly, good luck with that....
Its a pipe dream, but it's yours......
While golden retrievers are dogs, not all dogs are golden retrievers. So, if you were attacked by a dog,.... you would describe the dog,.......golden retrievers do not look like greyhounds.
I don’t know if race is a human construct or not. But racism is real and flourishing. I’d say worse right now than in the 40-50 years. Sometime I think racism is a natural human condition.
Many forms of hate have slowed progress.
Not just race
It's not natural, but it is easily inflamed and exploited.
Note that the info here came from a blog and twitter, both of which are easily astroturfed for nefarious purposes.
Good to see liberal NPR covering it.
We could all use a lesson in tolerance.
My daughter is in university in China at this moment, because we did teach her tolerance and acceptance.
I don't know a thing about McConnells wife, but HE is an asshole that shows plenty of signs of being a bigot himself.
She was Labor (anti labor) secretary for W. Her politics/policies are anathema to the 99%.
The tweet suggested she was using her influence with her husband to further foreign (chinese) business interests, and used some unfortunate language. unnecessary, attacking her anti labor positions are good enough.
It's been removed and denounced.
So that wasn't enough for our inhouse bigots?
Oh well.
I think this thread needs a few stories of real racism. Add some deep south Mississippi shit man.
Well, Mississippi did have to share this dubious award with Alabama, another welfare State.
LOL. Excellent I wish I could upvote a dozen times.
Heres a couple more:
This ain't no low level superpac twitterer, this is an office holder!!
And this is all about republican racism in a whole state party.
Aaah yes. good times, good times.
The (R)epelican'ts! Celebrating bigotry for posterity!
God bless their souls.
here's a story on the LEADER of the repub party.!!
Rush don't disappoint brother!
love how you dismiss it. thanks for proving my point. i win again.
More links where it's being "astroturfed for nefarious purposes".
She shouldn't have married a bigot that stands in the spotlight.
I personally never said a word against her, but that kind of thing can rub off on you, even of you aren't a bigot yourself.
And then there's the astroturf angle.
I don't approve, but that IS the way it is.
The whole effort is an attempt to build the "McConnell is working against Kentucky jobs, in favor of taiwan jobs"
This is part of the Senate race that McConnell is gonna struggle with in 20 months.
Someone at the SuperPac crossed a line, but we haven't heard the last of the Chinese outsourcing issue.
He's in trouble! Even his tea party will go after that side of things.
Did you here it was a tea party guy who infiltrated the liberal superpac?
It's all part of the circus.
It's not like they build a lot of motherboards in Kentucky anyway.
Go Ashley Judd!!
Bring some sense to the State
Agreed. McConnell nor his wife support the 99%. They gotta go!!
If there's a (R)epelican't out there that supports the 99%, he's hiding it well.
(R)epelica'ts are very vocal in there extremist derision of OWS and the agenda benefitting the 99%.
They proudly push the policies of the corp 1% oligarchs.
They ALL gotta go.
remember all the chinese spying and influence scandals of the clinton years? were those astroturf? bad marriage choices? or anti-chinese racist Republicans?
Next time I'll bring up criticism of Michelle Malkin. Should be fun to watch you scramble to explain how racism AND sexism is totally appropriate in her case.
FLAKESnews Faux Fact Flinger, eh?
Malkin deserves everything flung back her.
Lying bitch.
"swish" nothing but net.
Generally anthropologist dont take the concept of 'race' seriously.
Racism can be present even if 'race' is a fantasy.
Race is indeed made up but recognizing that some people recognize 'race' is definitely rational.
I think that people that recognize 'race' are irrational.......
Yes. Those people who recognize that 'race' is made real by the presence of the people irrationally recognizing 'race' can be perfectly rational. Locking someone up in a cage can be a form of kidnapping as well as a form of administering justice. Shuttering the lunacy of 'race' requires recognizing it first.
Built-in institutional biases provided the basis for vast economic disparity that had fueled racial prejudices. Those prejudices in turn reinforced the built-in institutional biases.
"race" is only a means of arbitrarily grouping people based on the colour of their skin pigment.
The concept of race is the source of racism.
"Race" is a very laughable concept if it be looked at by a space alien. How can the color of the earthlings' skin justify the superiority of some of them? It is as ridiculous as red being a hotter color than blue. That is just legacy from the inability of early human beings to achieve very hot flames. "Race" is similarly a very parochial and plainly stupid concept.
I'm quite certain that space aliens evaluate by the same means. It all comes down to a question of to what extent we should be inclusive and if resources divide along racial lines, then one wins and the other loses.
The idea of being inclusive came from having already created a boundary which has already been laid along "racial" lines. The point of my comment to HCabaret below is that we are by-and-large NOT colorblind because of our cultural heritage. It does not mean that we cannot transcend our heritage if we act after truly realizing the distortions coming from the concept of "race."
Perhaps "race" is similar to insignia worn by our members of the armed forces. It was needed to impose some semblance of rank and command by a minority or to create fissures for a divide-and-conquer strategy in a rigid hierarchical social entity. We know though that many of these entities are becoming increasingly less adapted to faster and more fluid circumstances of our modern age.
I'm quite certain that race is an environmental adaptation. But that does not change the fact that the visual is our first means of identification friend or foe. If they are "different" than they are a potential enemy. That is just as true today as it was 200 thousand years ago; it's about safety nets.
The greatly increased movement and intermarriages of people around the world nowadays will eventually render the environmental adaptation of race moot. I do not lament that. It will however be sad if we lose the cultural heritage of many different peoples in the process. Mass extinction of languages will permanently shrink our historical perspective greatly.
A colourblind person is one that pays attention to the actual details and not the aesthetics of the picture.
Of course, having been brought up in a culture where race matters, we cannot escape its spell but we can at the very least put on counterweights into our conscious mind knowing fully well that unconsciously we are all probably racists at heart. That can provide some balance as needed by justice.
Nope. Try again.
Dude, my statement above is not opinion, it is scientific fact. Skin pigment color is irrelvant and grouping people based on it is complete and udder lunacy.
But what about the medical differences?
They are all superficial. We are all a really big family, not so happy perhaps but nonetheless hold the family values, will you?
Human to human genetic variation is estimated to be .1%.
Most noticable 'medical' differences are cosmetic.
More racism!!!! How can we contribute to fighting this obscenity.??
Join us!!
I am me, I not you! I am going to fight racism in my own way, whether you approve it or not.
Tough cookies if you dont like that.
At least this is an improvement.
Good luck in your good efforts.
The fact that they believe themselves to be "White" and others to be "black" or whatever is the Racist part of their actions.
Do you understand that?
You cant keep claiming that 'race' is real, yet call on others to fight racism.
Terminology is a distraction from the real fight against haters and their actions.
Do YOU understand THAT!!??
You gotta take away thier weapon. Race is the weapon of the Racists.
As long as you continue to refer to people based on their supposed 'race', you are either a hypocrite or a racist yourself.
Your continued efforts to discourage the real fight against haters and their actions by pushing the useless, meaningless, distraction of terminology serves the haters.
I'll continue fighting the haters and their actions, you can focus on terminology.
Good luck in all your good efforts.
You are one of the haters. You think "race" is real. You are part of the problem.
"less worthy"?
What ails you my friend?
No. No. You are!! LOL
"I know you are ut what am I?" PH
Please, we will have to agree to disagree. Go ahead and fight the fight of words, I will continue the real fight against haters & their actions.
Good luck in all your good efforts.
The goal of civil resister is to provoke a response. I KNOW that i am right. Im not going to stop just on account of your stubborness.
There are no lost souls, only misguided ones.
"agreeing to disagree" is tantamount to surrender. Im not going to give up and neither should you.
You are so generous with your wisdom.
Thank you so much, I can feel myself becoming a better person already.
Good for you! Hopefully more do too!!!
Im glad I can help the less worthy......
I'll keep that in mind.
You do that my friend. Please.... for your own sake.
Calling people names is just childish bullying. I do not submit to that because I am an adult.
Respect is not overrated it is necessary fora civil society, your lack of concern only adds to your obvious immaturity.
But I have no desire to discuss you or me, or your inability to discuss civily, or your belief I am weak.
These are meaningless personal issues unrelated to the important issues that might help the 99%.
I said 'respect for others is overrated", then I went on to say WHY: "If someone doesnt have respect for themselves, then there is no way in hell that they can respect anyone else."
Respect yourself first and others second.
The means and the ends are inseperable. This is all about process.
You cant just start shooting in the dark, you need a light to see the path ahead.
I disagree. You are in total control of whether you insult someone. It's your choice. If you have common decency and respect you don't do it.
You're clearly comfortable with angry hate speech.
I cant control whether someone will or will not be offended by something that I say. If I call you a 'weakling' that is because I view it as the truth, not because I am seeking to offend you.
If telling you to think for yourself!!!! is "angry hate speech", then I think this might be a longer process than I had previously thought.
Respect for others is overrated. If someone doesnt have respect for themselves, then there is no way in hell that they can respect anyone else.
Good luck in all your good efforts
Fight Back!!!!! You weakling.........
Wow you're so smart. thanks, I'll try to respect myself now that you told me I don't. how did you figure that out btw.
Dude, i am complete moron, but at least I can recognize that.
Passive resistance is like the same as doing nothing.
I don't prefer to repeat myself.
"weakling"? Are you 6 yrs old.?
Please refrain from the childish schoolyard taunts, and any other personal attacks, it only reflects on the emptiness of your arguments.
Its not a taunt, it is a challenge. Be defiant for once.
I cant help if my speech is offensive to you or not. That is your problem, not mine.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Different races are subject to specific diseases or conditions. Sickel cell anemia generally occurs in the black ( Negroid) race. Rare in other races.
Be careful to distinguish correlation from causality. Malaria is more prevalent in the tropics because of the mosquitoes and the climate there. That allowed sickle cell anemia to be tolerated in the genomes of the darker races. It is NOT the darkness of the skin color that causes the sickle cell anemia to be more prevalent in the darker races. It is that the tropical climate causes the production of more skin pigment in the people living there. The darker skin color is only a correlative marker.
Blacks who have been in the USA for generations are predisposed to sickle cell. Caucasions and people of the Mogolid race are not. are not.
You need to consider the time scale for genetic mutations to take hold in a population. Send enough Caucasians and Mongoloids to the tropics without modern hygienic practices and let them live and die there for a few thousand or tens of thousands of years and we shall see their predisposition to sickle cell anemia, too.
Blacks in the USA may no longer be subject as much to the effects of sickle cell anemia due to modern medicine so it can linger on (morally, we cannot do the controlled experiment here -- we are not Japanese Unit 731, okay!).
Then why aren't the people of South America ( Caucasion) subject to sickle cell?
Read about the history of the building of the Panama Canal and yellow fever. The U.S. succeeded where France had failed because of our medical victory over yellow fever. I am pretty sure that the Caucasians in South America had suffered greatly from malaria so without modern medicine and in a few millenia, we should see a population of them susceptible to sickle cell anemia. That may not happen because of the growing availability of modern medicine in South America but not having people die will definitely be a better result than confirming a scientific hypothesis.
Your initial argument was that Africa was tropical. People ( Caucasions)have lived in South America ( which has vast tropical areas) for countless centuries, They are not predisposed toward sickle cell. Malaria and yellow fever can be caught, you cannot catch sickle cell.
Caucasians are relative newcomers to South America (definitely not countless centuries). There was much interbreeding among the races in South America so it may be much harder to discern the racial origins of South Americans. According to the theory of evolution and modern medicine, sickle cell anemia is the lesser of two evils (the other being malaria in areas of high mosquito concentration) because it improves the survivability of the individuals having only one copy of the recessive gene for sickle cell anemia.
The native ( pre caucasion) population of South America is not prediposed to sickle cell either.
Maybe archeologists can provide studies to support your claim. What date do you use for 'pre caucasion'? What dating method do you trust? Does race leave a trace beyond death? Does sickle cell anemia or immunity to it also leave persistent biological trace beyond death? How large a sample of deceased individuals from the 'native ( pre caucasion ) population' of South America do you need to establish beyond statistical uncertainty that the correlation between race and immunity to sickle cell anemia is not accidental or due to random chance? Who will fund the undertaking?
Pre Causasion, means before the explorers came to South America, 16 th century. People native to South America had been living there for countless centuries.
You seem to have pegged the Caucasians having arrived in South America after the voyages of Christopher Columbus circa 1492 B.C.E. Some Caucasians probably arrived in South America tens of thousands of years ago but anyway we do not have evidence of interbreeding so the studies can go on assuming that the Caucasians had arrived in South America starting in the 16th century. What do you think of the other questions that may need to be answered?
Ethnicity is far different than race. The medical things you mention are results of environment not genetics.
Ethnicity is not just about race, it's about cultural background.An example is Tay Sachs,....generally affilicts Jews of Eastern European decent, not Ladinos.
Ethnicity has nothing to with race, because race is made up.
Ethnicity is about enviroment, not skin color.
Which medical differences, do you have any links on that.
If Americans were constitutional enough to discuss, define and know constitutional intent, decisions of the SCOTUS could be dealt with properly.
This is what we must fight against.
Roberts court or Racist court?
We agree freak, let's work against racism.
'Nuf said.
This matters much, much more than an insulting twitter. Hell, I've been smeared there too.
That's it, keep proving my point. I was enjoying watching you and the other guy have at it. And the Malkin bit? Muah! Perfecto!
I love it when a good plan comes together.
You don't have a point. You never did.
Thanks for the bump though.
These people don't have rich families, publicists or TV shows.
They just got royally screwed by the people you're defending.
Oh how I love you!
I love you 2 'lil' zilla............................:)
Your point?
I'm always curious to see how the people who freak out and call Repubs racist react when the attack goes the other way. Silent as usual.