Forum Post: steps we can take to move the agenda forward now
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by publicus1
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Step 1. Elect an executive committee Step 2. Call for the formation of OWS election committees in each of the 435 congressional districts. Step 3. The 435 election committees prepare and organize a nationwide election of two delegates from each district, one man, and one woman. Step 4. The executive committee arranges a venue in Philly starting on July 4, 2012. Step 5. The 870 delegates attend a convention in Philly on July 4, 2012 to draft and vote on a petition for the redress of grievances as authorized by the first amendment, Step 6: Present this petition to the 2012 candidates and demand immediate action on the petition. Step 7. GIve the government to act on the petition within one year. Step 8. The delegates would reconvene by email and vote on a call for a recall and resignation of the government if they fail to act on the demands in the petition. Step 9. If there is no action or resignation, you fill in the blanks as to what the delegates should do next but at the very least the delegates could run for congress as an independent OWS slate of candidates in 2014. This is a non-violent plan. Here is a sample petition and plan of action some drafted. The 20 points are only suggestions, the delegates should vote on the final petition.
I kind of like this idea. Not bad thought to start doing some structure, but I would let the movement continue to grow organically for a while.
We can do both; it will take a long time to organize a national election of delegates to meet on July 4, 2012. In the meantime while that is being organized by a small group of elected people, CONTINUE TO OCCUPY!