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Forum Post: Stay Focused

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 3:48 p.m. EST by unfulfilled99er (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While I cannot be there, I fully support the efforts of those who are out in the streets demanding change from those who have taken for far too long. Remember, the only way to make a real change is to stay focused and goal oriented. Be precise with your arguments and solutions, resist generalities. Corporate tax loopholes must be closed, all must pay their fare share. I salute all of you.

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. -Mohandas Gandhi



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[-] 1 points by foster (2) 13 years ago

First time here. unfulfilled99er WTF are you talking about. And it is fair not fare. You sound like an idiot. Precisely what is it you demand?

[-] 1 points by thevoice (5) 13 years ago

Now that Occupy Wall street has gotten Wall streets attention it is now time to get the politician's attention as well. Either the republicans and democrats are with the 99% of the American people or they are against the 99% of the American people. We need to send a clear message to the President and congress NOW including the republican presidential candidates that are looking at the Occupy Wall Street as some sort of joke by the nasty comments they have made in the media of the 99% movement. For example - M Bachmann said that the 99% made their own bad decision's so stop crying like some little bitches and eat it. H Cain said if you don't have a job, and you are not rich then the 99% should blame themselves. You see these republican presidential candidates really don't care what the 99% of Americans have to say they are going to push their agenda on us unless we the 99% put pressure on them and call them out one by one. ** Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum You are here by being put on notice * You Are Either with the 99% of the American People (aka) Occupy Wall Street or you are not. If you are not then 99% of the American people (Occupy Wall Street) will see you in 2012 and that is a promise.

[-] 1 points by simple (15) 13 years ago

its amazing how good posts like this one get only 1-5 comments, and the ones posted by the corporations, and the government are getting 100-150.....time to get a new website

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

It may be too spiritually for some :)

[-] 1 points by simple (15) 13 years ago

could be.....the posts im referring to obviously have people sitting there waiting to argue each and every comment, they pose questions for you to answer and multiple links for you to follow....if it stinks like corruption, it probably is...=)

[-] 1 points by MrVMAC1776 (62) from New York, NY 13 years ago

This is not not not the focus. i Fucking hate this forum. The focus is GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Taxes is Not not not not the message of this. FUCK.

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

This antagonist is a troll – ignore him. (The Troll Police)

[-] 1 points by MrVMAC1776 (62) from New York, NY 13 years ago

nice, no profile information, you must be a hired hand. you work for viacom?

[-] 1 points by unfulfilled99er (3) 13 years ago

Getting money out of politics is a pipe dream, im sorry to be frank here, but thats never going to happen. The only way to reduce the money aspect of politics is to regulate the amount of money large corporations (who we can all agree are the biggest offenders here) can pump into government official's pockets, and to mandate that they all pay a fair tax to the government (people) who allow their business to flourish.

[-] 1 points by MrVMAC1776 (62) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Not true, in the 1980's laws were passed so that campaigns more and more could be privately financed. A law making all campaigns publicly financed is a start....

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

agreed...and another wonderful reason to find ways for those who can't protest to participate... my idea below, please share and pass on...

My name is Anne Lockee. I am a 40 year old business owner and mother of three. I have things to say to the organizers of the Occupy Wallstreet Protests to keep the momentum going but I don't know how or who to contact. If you find the following of interest, please do what you can to spread the word. Thanks.

MY WORRY: when it gets cold, this important protest will fizzle. MY IDEA: that we organize via facebook/twitter and choose a date where we completely evacuate wall street....in otherwords, one day we are there, the next we're not...all over country, the protests stop on purpose. that would make a serious impact.

THEN: we stage targeted "boycotts" that are announced, again, via facebook/twitter. for instance, the entire 99% does not shop for only one day at a different place and this place changes every single day. (after all we are not trying to put anyone out of business or do harm but make a point and show our power.) for instance, monday no amazon NOT ONE DIME...tuesday no starbucks...wednesday no arco...etc. Again, the company does not matter. All companies are culpable, even the good ones, because they are all part of the Wallstreet Machine. Our goal is not to shut down the country, after all we want to employ people. But we will no longer feel like helpless consumers that have no choice but to buy the "company stores" product no matter what the price. We have a choice...let’s choose!

AND THEN, TO EXPLAIN OUR PURPOSE: we will calculate the amount of money a company lost by losing 99% of the country's business and say... "hey, that's a lot of money in just one day." Now let's compare that to the modest and FAIR amount of tax we'd like you to pay...or “how much is that compared to the insane bonuses you give your CEO” etc etc etc.

BECAUSE: we are not trying to screw anyone, we just demand fairness.

AND: the best way to achieve fairness is to REGULATE Wallstreet and modify the tax code (i.e. add a tax bracket for millionaires, scrap overseas tax havens, introduce a modest financial transaction tax, revamp the estate tax, end preferential treatment on capital gains tax)

AND IN THE END: this is a relatively painless thing for all. the rich will still be rich. the free market will still be free (just not allowed to be as corrupt) and ALL OF US will enjoy our American citizenry without so much contempt for each other.

AND TO END WITH A SLOGAN THAT MATTERS: "when we all do better, we all do better."

PS If you think this could work please forward to as many people necessary and feel free to use any or all of my ideas to make this protest lead to positive policy change.