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Forum Post: States control the Banks through owning their stocks, Banks are only part of the problem.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:13 p.m. EST by xposingfalsehoods (39)
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We know Banks are evil and destroy lives but they are only given the power because of the states. The states through pension funds own stocks in these banks and oil companies in the billions which makes the state the owners and cause of the banking problems. we need to do more than occupy wall street. the problem is bigger than the banks!



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[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I think you're confusing the states with the State.

[-] 0 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

what do you mean? im talking about the retirement funds in each state which is used to buy stocks.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I think that it's just one more layer of a government that has corruption on all levels.

I think the Fed is a helluva lot more evil than the states.

[-] 1 points by Keepitsimple (110) 13 years ago

Yes, it's all connected.... But OWS is a great start!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by tstorey (17) from Newport, RI 13 years ago

I agree that the banks are not the only problem. I recommend a differing perspective. The banks are used to control you and me through the management of economic conditions. The banks are a tool. The banks are a management tool. They lead to the people who are managing us.It is a solid observation that individual states have influence on banks through their pension funds. The issue with this statement is that the banks, through the system of fractional reserve banking, leverage these large deposits to make loans that have ZERO to do with the economic development within the particular state.

State governments in the US are very weak. They are weak because the federal government competes with them for power. The federal government ALWAYS wins these battles because they have more money. They have more money because the federal reserve banks creates it for them whenever they ask for it. A state government can only spend what it can collect in taxes.

The state of N. Dakota has it's own state bank. They have the lowest unemployment and foreclosure rate in the nation.

Remember banks are a tool that is used to control us. Take the tool away from these people by establishing publicly owned banks in each state....like North Dakota. !2 other states in the union are studying their own state bank. A state bank will take the power away from the private bankers who use them to control us.

Many other problems, but economic conditions relate directly to human suffering.

[-] 0 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

well said!!!