Forum Post: Statement at NYCGA on this site -- "an autonomous affiliated group"
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by nomdeguerre
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"The group that runs is not a working group of the GA, but an autonomous affinity group."
Grimwomyn: "We are an affinity group and not beholden to the nonlegislative nor legal body that is the general assembly in liberty square."
OWS funding moves through the Alliance For Global Justice, a 501(c) non-profit, so it can't engage in politics. This is probably why this forum explicitly states it will not support or endorse a candidate or campaign. I'm guessing, but the very fact that politics are nevertheless so widely discussed here likely makes them want to keep this forum at arm's length; they are creating plausible deniability to protect their funding.
According to monjon at , only 3 people have access to the statements regarding OWS finances, and 2 of those 3, Victoria Sobel and Pete Dutro, are named on the trademark application at .
The trademark application seems to encompass "" which would include this forum. I am left wondering whether this entire site isn't, in fact, about to be "owned" by Victoria Sobel and Pete Dutro as an "affiliated" project.
Rico, I believe you are correct. Once the trademark is assigned (the application was put in in October), Dutro and Sobel will have the legal right to determine who can use it and how it can be used. These two have disappeared from the public view. They are laying low waiting for their legal rights to kick in before announcing the new OWS world order.
A new order is already emerging. See my post at . Whether or not this new order is good or bad, I can't say. If I retain my optimism, I would say it's good that folks are finally figuring out direct democracy doesn't work and never will. See my comment at .
Direct democracy doesnt work, but do you recall voting for Pete Dutro? Of course, OWS is an organization and not a government, so maybe it is not realistic to expect democracy at all.
This site is likely an information mine to harvest dissidents information. We may all meet in person one day in the Gulag.
Forum Post: Meditation upon listening to Radio Occupy Wall Street yesterday evening. Posted 24 minutes ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 5:41 a.m. EST by alouis (New York, NY) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I drive a taxi in New York City at night and I listen a lot to the radio. One program I caught yesterday was WBAI's Occupy Wall Street Radio. A young woman there made mention of a forbidden personage whose initials are AJ. Now I'm not a fan of AJ but he has some interesting guests on his program including Greg Palast and Noam Chomsky. The young woman spoke of a grove in California where the many of the world's elite meet twice a year. they conduct a bizarre ceremony They call The Cremation of Kare. AJ had gotten inside at this convocation and recorded the festivities. I guess she wanted to point out the inhumanity of the one percent, and this ceremony that so many leaders of the one percent enjoy would point in that direction- they're not human in the true sense of the word. Lizards? I don't think so, but probably a few million people do think so.
I want OWS supporters to understand that people come to the movement with all sorts of opinions and beliefs, some held very strongly and sincerely, even if others find them odd or demonstrative of ignorance.
This young woman who praised AJ's effort and condemned fluoridation is one case in point. It is best don't you think, to let her have her beliefs, even if arrogant whiteboy/schoolboys sneer at them, and to welcome her into the movement. I am so glad the first person she met from OWS was not any moderator of this website. This is my very last post under this handle. It's too easy to imitate and misuse.- alouis
Thank you for never posting again. You seemed upset and disenfranchised. I refuse to experience those feelings. Peace.
Actually "alouis" is not posting again.
Don't they say, "All your websites are belong to us"? So maybe they could get the same info anywhere. However here, trolls can be given unlimited freedom to pollute the discussion.
By overcoming detractors a conversationalist builds skills to enhance their ability to formulate powerful conversation. Imagine the focus that some of these people in here have when discussing these exact topics in person. Seems like a great training ground. Complaining about detractors, detracts from your own conversation.
"Affinity Group?" Affinity to what? They do post some news items, but the anarchic comment section is bound to shoo people away. This site is dominated by foes of Occupy Wall Street.
yeah-ya. No doubt more closely affiliated with one of the colleges.
Not that I care a whole lot - but some moderation would be nice to eliminate the spammers posting threads promoting products and services completely unrelated to the Occupy Movement.
I'm surprised we haven't had any porn spam yet. I guess if the deterioration continues that will be next.
They need to declare who they are.
"They need to declare who they are." Why?
Then I guess you better follow the money.
There is no advertising here - but when I first got here there were the occasional surveys. Those have since disappeared.
I expect there are certain political considerations attached to the money that supports this site - but I don't know for certain.
It does appear to be an experiment in anarchy, as such I expect it may have certain predictabilities, ones that may be facilitated by those who know what they are.
Oh well.
I'm also very surprised porn hasn't been posted yet. No doubt we will see this soon. This site definitely needs to be moderated. Kardasian TV shows don't have much to do with OWS. These types of posts only hurt this site.
aren't you the moderator?
No. If I was a moderator, there wouldn't be any conspiracy theories and spam here. I would zap them instantly.
you pink pantied penis pic posser . . .
go chat with April - I think she likes ya
I never posted penis picts. That only exists in your conspiracy theory fantasy. You pay too much attention to your friend owsleader and not enough (actually none) attention to evidence.
The replies you post are nothing but insults, ad hominem, and, in the end, more worthless spam.
I see I've lost five points on that best comment of the day
Keep going,
I know ya can
I didn't take those points away. I don't really care who gets the best comment of the day. That's not what's important to me. If it bothers you, just do like your friend richard and create twenty or so usernames. Then you can up vote yourself to reach the top.
Doesn't bother me either - in fact I find it rather entertaining
And I only have one . . . . sockpuppet . . .
That's great. You should take a few days to redesign your site. There's some good content there, but it deserves a better presentation. It looks like my 12 year old nephew's Friendster site.
For example, the web consortium HTML 4.01 and CSS buttons at the bottom are way lame. HTML 4.01 has been dead for a while now. Everybody should be using XHTML or HTML5. In addition, your CSS link doesn't work and when we manually enter your address to check it we find that your CSS is not even valid. Then there's the bad color scheme: white text on a pale grey background. It's difficult to read. And the strange looking menu. Etc...
you pink pantied penis pic posser . . .
go chat with April - I think she likes ya