Forum Post: Starve Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EST by Revolution2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
At some point some corporate types decided to do away with workers pensions and instead have everyone fund retirement with 401k's funded chiefly by the workers investing in corporate stocks. With millions of workers pouring billions of dollars into the corporate largess of course the corporate and Wall St. bastards became fatter and more arrogant. What if the 99% withdrew what is left of our 401ks from corporate stocks and reinvested that money in local, state and federal bonds? Would that not starve Wall street and feed Main street? If we all, instead of the Chinese, owned a little bit of America wouldn't that be a better thing?
Let's use the internet for this purpose:
Everyone renounce their debt - and discontinue payment on one day.
Then post the names of people who DO pay their debts. Not for any purpose of violence, but so that other people in the community can gently encourage them not to feed this tyranny.
You may want to consider some tangible assets; land, machinery, and yes...precious metals.
By all means, stop eating at mcdonalds, buying GMO food, supporting the giant octopus conglomerations that are sucking us all dry. Take the "glom" out of conglomerate!!!!!!
Tough to generalize across all the corporations, but the action might work well if employees of SOME of the less ethical companies were to creatively "re-invest". Risky but interesting.
Local, state and federal bonds are not necessarily safer bets though.