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Forum Post: Stand up and mean what we say...a tribute to OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:38 a.m. EST by Alldeesx3 (23)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm so proud that America is finally waking up and challenging the status quo. I have complete confidence that OWS will continue to grow and I'm proud of you young people taking the initiative to better your future. Long live OWS




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[-] 1 points by doninsalem (74) 13 years ago

Politics and patriotism? As much as certain people may be in some kind of delusional denial, it's about the establishment of this country, an idea (a good one), not any political party and/or form of government. Proclamation of direction was spoken as true fact. What the H E double hockey sticks are we still doing here? They have life by the short hairs and they are straight up F bombing it up. All this talk of doing away with Social Security (something that shouldn't have been gambled away because it should have never been touched), just what does that exactly mean, doing away with it or calling something else, like just another move for project save own ass? (LOVE-n-STUFF) D J G 2 P.S. No you can't take "it" (whatever) with you, why? Because "it" isn't yours. Now if someone would like to go hide in a hole somewhere, good luck (FYI don't come out).