Forum Post: St Paul's Cathedral announces closure due to 'Occupy' protesters
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 8:29 p.m. EST by angelofmercy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Are you happy with yourselves ?
From the church
You want the right to protest and have your voice heard , but yet you don't care about other peoples rights while doing it. Am I understanding this correctly ? F everyone else ?
Way to go on getting more people to want to join you. lol
Maybe St Pauls should look at the person whom they claim to base their faith on. Jesus WOULD be there!
Just because Jesus would be there. Don't mean he would cause others not to be able to worship when they wanted to in a place they choose to .
Have you forgotten Jesus' reaction when the money changers set up in the temple. Which is exactly what has happened here.
"Which is exactly what has happened here."
lol not even close . Go read it. ALL OF IT ! Not just the parts you like and want to use as a reason for OWS. You are neither getting rid of the money changers. And to top that off , your not healing the blind and the lame now are you? I don't think so. It was a temple , a place of worship , not WALL ST , or a CORPORATION. OWS is a disgrace.
St Pauls claims to be the church that represents the work of "Christ on this earth". They are the ones that should be healing and feeding. The people protesting are actually the ones standing up for the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the hungry. Remember the people Jesus went in to bat for!
."They are the ones that should be healing and feeding." How do you know they are not ? Have you gone to their site ? Have you asked where their money goes to ? Have you asked what programs they are doing for the public?
"The people protesting are actually the ones standing up for the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the hungry." BS!
OWS shame!
Maybe we can get some others and start yelling shame as loud as we can . Wonder if it will make any difference. I doubt it. lol
im on my way to the uk next month, i will personally punch ows in the balls if they are not gone (blocking st pauls) by then.
Looked in the bible , found nothing on punching in balls. So you are on your own on that one. lol
So very Christian of you.
He , or she never said they were Christian. So if they are not Christian , they are welcome to not act like one.
If they did not claim some connection with "christianity" (however loosely applied) then they really wouldn't care what happened at St Pauls
He/she may respect religion even if they don't claim one. Did you loose your common sense ?
A respectful "punch to the balls"
i never said i was anything except for one who punches the balls of those who block access to st pauls.
That's my point. lol
Are the idiots gone yet?
I don't know. You talking about from the church or from this forum?
From the church
This is the last info I found.
This is extremely sad.
FIrst time in history its been closed. stayed open during world war 2 during bombing, and closed by a bunch of idiots. Dont protest outside St Pauls. They will be the ones bringing you blankets as the weather starts to turn....
Very good point. :)
official statement from Ocuppy London
and some background info here that might be of interest
And that changes what ? Nothing.
neither of us has enough information at this stage, but given the political organisation of St. Pauls neither can either of us rule out suspicion that the church could be being a bit disingenuous here, perhaps they are not taking serious options available to them which would allow the cathedral to stay open and allow the people at Ocuppy London to express their right of protest too. perhaps they are being influenced by their very established links to the State and the City of London and not actually the interest of their parish and visitors.
that potentially changes a lot. these should be a decisions about what's best for the society the Cathedral supports, not what's best for it's trustees. this shouldn't even be an economic decision.
Still changes nothing. Church is still closed. Not making money to help anyone. How is that in the best interest for anyone? It can't fun programs that help the community can it ? It can fun itself to keep it's doors open to people who want to worship there.
Disgraceful. You guys complain you want your right to be heard , and all that good stuff. But yet you don't give a poop who you hurt in the process. Not even if it means you hurt your own people in some way or another.
i was suggesting there might be ways for the cathedral to stay open and the protest to continue which are not being explored.
lol If there was a way then it would stay open , but clearly there isn't. Use your brain.