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Forum Post: Spreading the Word - how to starts small demonstrations in a small town?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 7:19 a.m. EST by anair4 (0) from Cooktown, QLD
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I am very interested in this world wide movement. I live in Cooktown, a small town in far north QLD, Australia. I would like to contribute and i am doing this by creating a facebook page named, "occupy cooktown banks". Basically, i want advice and tips on how to go about letting the community know about the cause and begin small demonstrations outside our banks. Sure it might'n do much, but its spreading the word and i want to do my part too.



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[-] 1 points by Revolutionary (311) 13 years ago

Tell them that we 99% people are not really free but work for the 1% rich people .Tell them that these 1% people consider rest of the people as animals.Tell them that you deserve more consumables and above all more leisure time for the work you perform.Tell them that you can turn the tables.Tell them believe in your self.Tell them begin with helping each other and have sympathy for each other.