Forum Post: spread awareness not demands: please remember the 99 percent
Posted 13 years ago on March 4, 2012, 11:02 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The only thing that's important is awareness - once people become aware they can't go back to sleep, can't forget the things they've seen. And against 99 percent Wall Street has no chance. We as a democracy are responsible for the actions or inaction of our government. Please don't choose to turn your back on this ... spread awareness, spread the movement - Never Give Up!!! Don't wait until Wall Street comes for you.
elf, we live in the land of the short attention span. OWS exists only because of the longstanding need for focus on the continuing injustice and double standards that have gone on for 30+ years.
In order to gain the attention of the average American one must first grap their attention and then do things that will tend to almost continually reaquire that attention. That may well be why Occupiers are seen by some as acting like a recalcitrant child.
As to the horrible image linked by you, I would say that we all must work very hard to keep social issues before a people who are consumed with "self." Narcissism isn't lacking in this country, is it elf?
The only thing many Americans like more than seeing themselves in a youtube vid is watching some someone famous suffer some public indignity like going to trial or their rantings about how misunderstood they are as their fame fades away.
Why is there a big fat photo of Rush Limbaugh but I can't post these moving images that I've linked?
Occupy asks why in a world with so much abundance is this happening? - wall street knows the answer - hold back and destroy yield, increase cost, drive out all other small farmers, monopolize and patent seeds, use food for bio fuel instead of nourishment, speculate so costs rise and stocks go up - then sell sell buy buy - who cares who dies ? 99 Percent of us wish it was Wall Street suits instead of innocent children
This movement is about people caring for people and defeating the one percent who is hording the world's abundance - Post your compassion - show people what Occupy is about don't let the press dictate who we are - give them something they can't argue with ... tell the world who do you care about - 99 percent of us against one ... they have no chance ...
I'm here and so are you
Wrong. American Idol is on! And don't forget Toddlers and Tiaras!! God bless Amerika,
We are not our corporations / we are more than studies. No matter what they tell you about who we are ... we are here now - showing what we care about and there are millions more here and across the world who dream of something different and who care about changing this com passionless system of de-humanizing people through studies and polls and technology. Taking ownership of our names and who we are by simply stating it as if they have the right to observe or study us in the first place. We are not lab rats out for observation - are we clear on that ?
An admirable attitude. But you better start working on the millions of others in THIS country. All the constant hatred and violence between Left and Right is no match for pizza, beer , and Jersey Shore.
When your news is brought to you by your enemy - kind of hard to believe the statistics - could be what they want us to think ? It's propaganda only designed to depress. Depressed people tend to be lethargic, lack follow through and give up more quickly. Don't believe things so easily. There are millions of us who care.