Forum Post: Specific problems/solutions?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by petersterncan
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So far, I hear and see lots of bluster, but nothing real.
And what I mean by 'real' is... what are the specific problems as you see them and what do you propose as solutions to those problems?
If you people are just a "rah rah demonize people who worked their asses off and became wealthy" movement, then you belong in the intellectual trash heap of history that includes the Bolsheviks and Stalinism,
And don't bother pointing to your 1st attempt at a declaration:
It's waaaaay too general and vague to be useful. For what thing... who specifically is "they"? There is no person or company named "they". I want to see specifics about which people or organizations you are actually referring to. But of course, doing that means you can't get by being intellectually lazy and you'll actually have to do some homework.
And btw... those house foreclosures are perfectly LEGAL. If you owe money and can't pay, you WILL lose your house. It is idiotic to think otherwise.
And about the statement "They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses."
Absolute bullshit... Those bailouts had A LOT of strings attached... including NO bonuses for top executives.
And I can go on and on about how your first attempt at a set of demands (completely devoid of real solutions) is utter bullshit.
And I say this as a man, 37 years of age,who has worked his ass off for a long time, had is first job at the age of 13 and has NEVER needed to be on welfare or unemployment insurance because a decent income was part of the criteria when choosing a field that I knew there would be regular demand in (IT).
I'm not wealthy, but I'm getting by just fine.
If you really want change, these vague "demands" with a complete absence of proposed (and researched) solutions isn't gonna cut it.