Forum Post: Speaking Out Loud
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by sharmlako
from Columbus, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
-Extortion, in education housing and health care. -Lobbying is a daylight bribe. -Each individual burdened by the Federal government borrowing and the elite prospering from the growth brought on by the same borrowing stimulus.
- Profiting from defense industry leads to unnecessary wars which bringing more debt to the common citizen and profit to the elitist.
The trick was when the GI Bill was replaced by private loans instead of our taxes. Had it been our taxes instead, the middle man wouldn't be able to ex torte us.
This our money, this our resources and this our country and they using it, to extort us for their own greedy benefit. When a student signs a new IOU the ultimate responsibility goes to the tax payer and the ultimate profitability goes to an elitist.
Say yes to education no to loans and DON'T PAY.
Also I like to say hello to Uncle Same who is collecting every bit of data about everyone.
Agreed, and I particularly like the statement -- this our money, this our resources and this our country and they using it, to extort us for their own greedy benefit -- so perhaps you would consider our group's proposal of an alternative online direct democracy of government and business at , for this is a small-business-bottom-up approach, not today's big-business-top-down approach, so if agreed, join our group's 20 members committed to that plan at