Forum Post: Speak with one voice.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by karmapolice
from Bellevue, NE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All great movements have a clear, singular message. You need to speak in one voice in a very simple way that is hard to argue with. No movement is leaderless. The leaders need to craft a simple message about the stranglehold the wealthy have over the media, economy, and government. Bring to light the reality that the economic game many people think is fair is anything but. The rules are fixed so the wealthy can horde an astonishingly disproportionate amount of wealth and justify it all by saying they "earned" it; hiding the fact that they made their billions by manipulating the system, controlling the government, and paying their employees wages that are only a fraction of their production value.
The powers that be have done a wonderful job of keep us divided and distracted. We are the 99% and we truly can make a government "for the people" but not without leadership and a singular message.
All these Capitalist Dogs here make me sick, you are the ones who hate the poor, you should be helping us make a better life without having to work so hard for everything.
You contributed you are part of the leadership and messages are emerging. The oligarchy looks to corrupt and co opt. They're tools are deceit and manipulation. They don't know how to respond to what is happening
I think you're mostly right, it seems rather pragmatic and realistic. However that singular message must come from the whole #occupy. Let's put all these ideas, and all those to the right together, and as we're seeing the #occupy movement grow our message is being sculpted. The message is forming, and I think what I've seen is very, very good. Even political scientist are somewhat impressed, check out the ABC news story about Occupywallst. It was the best MSM reporting yet.
remove wall street from congress WITH congressional term limits
It's a good start. I'm just saying it needs to evolve or it will fizzle out.
Agreed, the people here don't even know what they are protesting....
Okay Mrs. CNN reporter. It takes more than 10 seconds to figure out the demands.
Yeah but usually you work out what you want before staging a protest to get it, mr unemployed hippie (too harsh?) :)
Also I suggest you join the IRC - they will welcome you there.
Wrong - quite happily employed. I actually quit a higher paying job to do this one.
It's true that it was like "oh, we're protesting? cool, i'm there!" - just like any protest. But your head must be in the sand if you haven't figured out what it's about.
Haha, I love it, sums it up perfectly!