Forum Post: Sovereign Currency In Sovereign Accounts Of Sovereign Men
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 4:48 a.m. EST by sedor
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
30 November 2011 - George Washington's Blog: "The coordinated swap line bailout by the Federal Reserve Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank- and China’s reduction of reserve requirements by .5% – shows desperation. The confidence and trust is gone. Every major bank in the world is insolvent, whether it be in the U.S., Europe or China. These Central Banks are owned and controlled by the very banks they are bailing out. They are telling you they have it under control. They do not. They have lost control. The debt is too great and will destroy the economic system of the world. This is a last ditch effort by those in power to grab the last vestiges of middle class wealth. The stock market will soar today, benefitting bankers, politicians, and the 1%. They have solved nothing. The debt remains. The debt will not be paid."
It surely can't come as a surprise that in this tragic times, somebody has put an effort in explaining the difference between the state and the mafia, which can be found on the Internet by Googling "10 Reasons Why The Mafia Is Better Than The State". Have you ever dared to imagine how your life and business would have been like if the state and the mafia would not interfere in it?
Alternative Currency: Sovereign Money In Sovereign Accounts Of Sovereign Men