Forum Post: South Serbia to join OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:18 p.m. EST by Jovana
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi, I'm from a small town in Serbia. I tried to register my squat for October 15 protests, but was unable to do so as I did not own a credit card. It's a bit ironic that one cannot join the movement against banks, without a credit card. So, what makes me eligible to join the protest is my credit card? We are so poor here that I don't even cary a wallet. But still, even if we are not directly in touch with the banks, we are aware that they make our lives miserable, too. In my town there's nothing to march against and nobody to chant to. We are something like Detroit. But we do have some idea about a better life and want to be in touch with those who share this idea. And this idea is: we want all things new. And we want to join you. Believe me, we have enough brains and rage for that!