Forum Post: "Sorry, Scott Olsen." Is that good enough for you?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:31 p.m. EST by hairlessOrphan
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Sorry, Scott Olsen. Sorry, Occupy. No such luck. The Obama Justice Department has not opened an investigation, spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa told Wired... But Hinojosa does promise that, 'The Department will review complaints, as it always does, that indicate a pattern of misconduct or criminal misconduct.' The DoJ helpfully sent along the link where you can lodge a complaint."
Why file a shitty, useless complaint? Why vote?
Because if you don't you are implicitly sanctioning a continuation of this madness. Whether or not you intend it.
I don't expect filling out a shitty form on a shitty website is going to solve the world and bring forth magical unicorns from rainbow covered fields of heather. But if you're going to justify your call for systemic reform, you have to leave a paper trail showing you tried in good faith to use the existing system. Without that, you are inviting a dismissal of your claims. You say the system doesn't work? They say how do you know if you haven't used it?
Contact your local FBI field office to report incidents of: -Excessive force or other Constitutional violations by persons acting as law enforcement officials or public officials.
You can find your local office here:
Please include as many details of the incident as possible, such as the dates and times; names of possible witnesses; and supporting documents, such as police and medical reports, or photographs.
You may also mail a written copy of the complaint and materials you submitted to the FBI to the Criminal Section at:
US Department of Justice / 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW / Civil Rights Division / Criminal Section - PHB / Washington, DC 20530
Be smart. File anonymously; you don't need to name witnesses. There are videos available. You need a witness? Jon Stewart saw it. You need corroboration? Pick any newspaper - even the Washington Post didn't deny the violent action on the part of Oakland's police. You are not trying to prove some obscure allegation of vague wrongdoing. You are trying to force the government to publicly acknowledge what the world already knows.
Good luck to you.