Sorry for the downtime :(
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 22, 2013, 1:49 p.m. EST by jart (1186) from New York, NY experienced about eight hours of downtime today because a really mean person decided it would be fun to perform a sophisticated DDOS on my website while I was in the hospital.
Please accept my apologies and thank you for continuing to be loyal visitors to the site ♡
This is the best website on the internet !
runs well
I hope you are feeling better. There is nothing to be sorry about.
No apology necessary.
Hope you're well and feeling better..................:)
Too bad you dont get enough thanQs for what you do
feel better!
Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for all your work.
Hope you're doing well, jart. Thanks for everything you’re doing on this site. Keep up the good work.
You did no wrong.
You are amazing. Thank you very much for keeping this going.
We are all in your Debt. Education is more important everyday and recent report came out that proves that we have an Education Gap as well as the Wage Gap that we are all familiar with.
Thanks for everything. Hope all went well.
posted the interruption
I was going nuts! Panic was setting in lol.
No prob. I hope you feel better.
Great work, and heal quickly. If you have a chance, tell shadz66 that I had nothing to do with the DDOS attack. He's starting conspiracy theories again.
Oh my GODS? Say it ain't so!! To think this website of change wasn't online for 8 whole hours! America( not to mention the rest of the world) without the guidance of the DNC!!!!! Ummm. I mean.....