Forum Post: SOPA Bill will silence Free Speech
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 12:51 p.m. EST by theaveng
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
First the corporations stole 2500 billion from the citizens (bailouts, corporate welfare), and now they want to kill free speech and expression on the internet.
"The United States Congress is to begin debate on a controversial new bill that proposes dramatic changes to content copyright enforcement. The Stop Online Piracy Act, known as 'SOPA', calls for internet service providers to closely monitor all of the content that is transmitted across their network and to report suspected copyright infringements. Critics contend that this amounts to a new form of censorship."
This bill uses the ruse of protecting copyright to gain support for the bill but a well hidden and loosely described bit of language is embedded that specifically targets whistle blowers. While there is penalty for sharing classified information, there is no penalty for knowing or reading it as the material ultimately belongs to us, The People. Because you cannot make it a crime to be aware of what our government is spending our money on, they want to clamp down on our access to it. The best way to finally end this perpetual war on The Peoples right to run our government, we must demand an audit of the pentagon and DHS.
Well we all knew that was coming to the internet. For years the educational system, the media, T.V. were the brainwashers of public thinking. The internet allowed free thinkers, Independent thinkers to finally have a way of breaking the brainwashing method that was so effective before and enable them to share information that as a consequence awakens people from their preprogramming. The powers that control us do not like this one bit and until now have not figured out a way to stop it.
There was a time everyone felt warm and fuzzy if it was all good with Walter Cronkite. I agree 100 percent with your statement.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will nullify the law by saying it is unconstitutional (violates the 1st and 10th amendments).
its inevitable. This very site is what both controlling parties fear. Wether you agree or disagree what people say and post here, just the sheer volume is proof of free speach and thinking that the government controlled media (IE fox is GOP and MSN is Dem) fears the most. Reading about SOPA makes me think Iran, Syria or N. Korea........
Exactly! Free thinking, post your views. We all wont agree all the time, but this forum tends to open your mind, think, and react! I for one love it! Cease the moment, for it is now!
Who is Ron Lawl?
Lawn Roll 2102! New Gilded Age utopia for all! W00T! He will save us from the Lizard People and the Jews at the Fed!! He will defeat the warmist socialist liberal fascist hoax masterminded by Lizard People Rothschilds and Soros! Lawn Roll is GOD! Buy GOLD!!!
Its the beginning of the end for freedom in the USA.
What do you mean the beginning?
Beginning, the start, the first step ETC....Look it up in a dictionary.
No I meant the beginning began when they created homeland security.
Sorry for the vagueness.
Oh, okay.
I have decided that if I can't use emule anymore, I'll go back to dial up. The hell with it. I'm not gonna suddenly have more money to spend on stuff. I've Ubuntu on here, but I'd probably reinstall it and give it more memory. I could take my dear sweet time getting stuff that is outright FREE. We wouldn't be able to play the online games anymore and that would save me more money cause I do buy a card once in awhile. I lived without computers before, I can always do it again. This time I'll be on an anti-consumer kick though. I'll find free stuff and nobody will make a dime.
If I fall out of love with the internet, I'll spend zero dollars and time on it. Its that simple. There is free programs, free books, free music so dial up may be the price it becomes worth to me. I like to print off coloring sheets, I like being able to read a forum, I like some webstores, No way will I need to spend $99 a month to play free online games or watch YouTube or hulu. I don't care if hurts Perfect World, YouTube, or Wildblue. That crap ain't worth $99 a month to me and I won't bother to pay that for it.
I live in rural area and the phone company will not get me dsl, hell I only get 14 to 19 k on dial up. $10 is a stretch for that crap. With the high speed and more bandwidth the kids can watch a few shows and play a few games, that's it. I'll just stop ordering books if I can't see if they are any good first. I don't bother with much else, I just like having the option. If Wildblue and Huges Net can't sell squat, they will pay somebody off, if people keep paying, they won't bother. That's how voting with your dollar works, If sales go down, not up because people don't want to invest in albums, books, movies they haven't seen, then so much the better. Somebody might take a step back and listen to people when they say they can't afford to spend more or buy stuff and end up not liking it. I know I won't be discovering authors I like or new music. I'll make sure of it, and if I want Music or books, I'll hunt and buy used really cheap to begin with. I'm not gonna pay the sticker price and support people who wanted to take away the tools I use to be a better shopper and make sure I'm getting something I like and supporting artists I like and want to do well. In the end we all vote with our dollars and I think the people pushing this are gonna be in for a rude awakening. Like get a clue, people can't spend what they don't have to begin with!
That is suppressing Free Speech and Expression, the bill will be struck down first by state courts and then federal courts and eventually the Supreme Court. Let's hope that they don't become roadblocks to freedom and expression, if they do, like the "personhood ruling". There is going to be mass demonstrations and maybe the beginnings of a revolution unlike nothing America has seen in the last one hundred and fifty years!
Free Speech ~ This method would see to it that free speech is forever protected.
n Article 5 Convention is a way to get even more of our rights back as well as stop the crimes within government upon its people.
A poster here at OWS (ChristopherABrownART5) has a good plan by which we can work from. Here are his links to a process called Article 5.
An Article 5 Convention is a way to get our rights back as well as stop the crimes within government upon its people.
A poster here at OWS (ChristopherABrownART5) has a good plan by which we can work from. Here are his links to a process called Article 5.
Kill free speech!!!??? LOL
It's been dead for a while now.
See NYPD, LAPD, Philly PD, Boston PD, etcetera.
Yeah but it's still alive and well on the internet.
We need to make sure it stays that way.
I know. They also have the Protect IP act in Senate. Hem,it is crazy that hey have two similar bills in Congress. I guess that they are just upping their chances that this passes. This bill is extremely draconian and will as you say silence freedom of speech. Hollywood and others lobbied for this, so I say we all threaten to boycott Hollywood: Stop going to the movies, no buying videos, boycott everything and anything associated with Hollywood and who every else is lobbying for this bill. I know that this will be hard for many, but it will get the message out there that we will not allow our freedoms to be taking away. It will scare the you-know-what out of Hollywood who doesn't want to loose any money. It is the way to go.
Agree... Basically people are waking up and they are scared to death that the "truth" will be known by everybody. Please expose their secrets !!!
Hard? Not really. None of the movies I've seen these last three years have been worth the ~$10 ticket price. - Of course lost sales will just be argument by Hollywood and RIAA for why the internet needs to be shutdown, rather than blame their themselves for lousy stories/music.
BTW the entertainment industry has been booming lately. It's the only industry in America that's growing during this depression. Perhaps that's why Congress is so anxious to protect its profits.
Well, good for you that you don't find it too difficult to boycott the movies, but I tell you the average American likes going to the movies. Sadly, I believe that many of them are not disciplined or passionate enough to boycott Hollywood and the Music industry as long as it takes. WE need to get as many Americans as possible aboard without this all out boycott.
We need to make it clear to Hollywood and the Music Industry that this boycott will be as long as it takes till these bills are withdrawn or rejected from/in Congress. Otherwise, it will lead to a permanent boycott until SOPA and/or IP Protect Act is/are repealed. Let them clearly see that they are losing money because of a boycott by the American people and not by piracy. WE should be vocal about this. If they think they are losing lots of money by online piracy then they don't want to know how much money they could loose by an all out boycott of Hollywood and the Music Industry. They will learn then.
I suspect Hollywood will ignore our opposition to the bills, just the same way bankers ignored the 80% of Americans that called thier Congressmen & opposed the TARP bill. It's all about money with them and damn the public opinion.
As for movies: The average American must be dumb. Modern movies truly suck. During the holidays I usually catch-up on all the movies I missed during 2011, and so far I haven't seen one that I liked. Not one. They've devolved into CGI fests with little story.
Boycotting this trash is easy.
Well we will see when we start boycotting if they will ignore us then.
The average American wants to be entertained so badly, they will go out and spend a load at the movies. As Hollywood lowered it's standard with the movies they created; sadly Americans lowered their expectations and in the end got addicted to junk movies. And there you have it.
Don't know if they would boycott, but anyway it is a weapon to use so that these awful bills don't pass in Congress. I don't want to even think about what the internet will be like if those bill passes. We just can't allow that to happen.
By protecting the rights of people's work...that is called "censorship". I am all for the protection of intellectual property...i know you are going to say "Oh you want big Brother dont you???" and i dont....i just dont want some ass stealing a million dollar idea from someone...
If I take the bread from the baker, then I deprived the baker of his property. In other words I "stole". But if I clone the bread, then there are two breads - one for me and one for the baker. The baker has been deprived of nothing and can still enjoy his bread.
Quoting Thomas Jefferson :
"He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature. She made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation."
"Exclusive ownership of an idea cannot then, by Nature, be a right of mankind."
sooooooooooooooooooooo what the hell is your point?
(1) Copying is not stealing because you have not been deprived of your property.
(2) You don't have a right to stop people from copying your ideas. "Exclusive ownership of an idea cannot then, by Nature, be a right of mankind." - Jefferson.
(3) What you have is a temporary privilege to allow you to make some money from your inventiveness. Said privilege phases-out within a few years and has limits. (Quoting snippets of books and fair usage is allowed.)
(4) The privilege to protect artists' work was granted as a way to enrich society. SOPA has the opposite effect of enslaving society with the fear that one might be yanked off the internet (three-strike law). Or worse: Hit with million-dollar fines and/or thrown in jail. - The limited privilege of a few don't outweigh the essential liberties of the many.
that makes no sense at all!!! if someone copies off someone else's test THAT IS STEALING!!! and stealing is bad......go figure! and just because Jefferson said it does not mean it is true.....HE IS NOT ALL KNOWING
No. Copying a test is cheating, and while it may lead to consequences like getting an F or suspended from school, at no time will the government step-in and charge you with a crime. You will not be jailed or fined a million dollars.
If you own a DVD and I take it, then I have indeed stolen it, because you are deprived of watching & enjoying it.
But if I make a COPY of the DVD, then you are still free to enjoy your DVD. You have not been deprived of the pleasure of using your property. Nothing has been stolen.
the fact that you used my DVD without my consent is stealing my ablitility to feel secure and not have to worry about getting stolen do not make still got the DVD without buying it or without my consent.
Basically what your saying is that human progress is not based on withholding of ideas and safeguarding from others, but a communicable sharing of knowledge (like say information taught to students at public schooling, classes in universities, etc...). Stealing is bad, but omission and withholding of information can be worse. Right?
true but if i dont want you to have my info and you "copy it" or steal it" or whatever....that is still wrong.....I dont want censorship except when it protects people from getting stole from or protects their rights.....either way it is wrong to steal!!
So the issue is when is it ok to protect privacy and when is it ok to enforce the sharing of information. That is a more clear picture to paint, and the modern day policies regarding these decisions are backwards; there is no privacy when it comes to the individual (hence the bill that just got passed allowing our government to imprison anyone deemed a terrorist, or the patriot act allowing increased government surveillance citizens and non citizens alike (I'm sure there's more)), and people who have money and companies embedded with our government have all the privacy in the world (hence intellectual property rights and all the implications by Monsanto corporation in India with GMO's (genetically modified organisms), the restraints on, specifically, breast cancer research (pharmaceutical company in America has a patent on a pre-screening that was greatly improved and tested in France due intellectual property rights laws being greatly diminished, allowing scientists abroad to do research on projects patented in the U.S., whereas (due to the patents) U.S. researchers are halted every time a patent issue arises)). Individuals have no privacy whereas corporations, due to government sanctioning, do. That is the issue that I have with intellectual property rights is because, like all "rights" "given" by the state are limitations on freedom instead of advancement of freedom.
Technically it's not your DVD. The content belongs to the movie studio, and it's the content I am copying. Once those contents (or ideas in general) are released into the wild, then they are available to all, and you have no Natural Right to stop the population from copying that idea.
For example nobody has a right to stop me from copying the idea "force equals mass times acceleration" (F==ma) and using it for my own needs or pleasure. Ideas are meant to be shared for the mutual benefit of all.
Out of curiosity, how much censorship would you take before you went back to dial up or just disconnected from the internet? As long as we keep taking it, they will keep dishing out this sort of thing. As long as people tune in to Corporate News, they'll keep peddling it to us. I have catalogs for beads and art supplies, I could buy more of that if I didn't pay for high speed dish service and increased bandwidth. People could decide to go back to very old hobbies, crafting, art, use the library. What are people willing to do?
I wouldn't disconnect from the internet, because there's still a lot of legal uses (hulu for example). And Dial up still uses an ISP, so that's not a valid workaround to avoid SOPA censorship. Plus it takes about 5 hours to download a single TV episode of marginal quality (75 megabyte).
Instead I'd probably hook-up with the piracy groups and learn how they route around the government. (Probably using anonymous IPs, proxies, and such.)
Does it really cost that much??? My high speed internet is only $15 a month for 1 Mbit/s. (My backup dialup is $7 plus $20 for the phone.) The high speed internet is actually cheaper.
It wouldn't be your government you were routing around, it would be your ISP. As the data travels threw them, it would be checked for copyrighted material. The problem is, how much material could they identify? If you were able to encrypt it so they couldn't check it, they could simply stop that data transfer. I wasn't going to dial up to evade anything, I mean to simply hurt my current my current ISP and all other industries dependent upon me purchasing high speed internet . Other laws want to block traffic to any site that has anything to do with file sharing. Like some sites don't exist if you live in China, some site would evaporate before our very eyes. But you yourself wouldn't go back to dial-up, money talks and BS walks as they say. The only thing that will prevent laws like that is public response, if you are happy enough to keep buying, you will get less and less for your money until you stop buying it.
No I'm on a dish, I'd pay the phone company or netzero or something
It's pretty sad you can't get more than 19k on dialup. When teh 1996 Telecommunications Act was passed, it including billions of dollars for the phone companies to upgrade phones to digital status. That way they could handle 53k connections.
I would call the phone company and ask why you're line is so noisy. Maybe they can do something to upgrade it.
0bama &co. intend to control the internet and radio and t.v. and newspapers. the only news you get will be what they allow,..........propoganda
Pretty much .
If you use the internet and your life, business, whatever depends on it, please do your part now. It's so simple. Please read on.
Please Save the internet now !!!
Sign this petition (click link below) – - very easy:
Posted: 15 November 2011
Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world’s Internet — creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz!
Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users’ activities. And, because so much of the Internet’s hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us.
The vote could happen any day now, but we can help stop this — champions in Congress want to preserve free speech and tell us that an international outcry would strengthen their hand. Let’s urgently raise our voices from every corner of the world and build an unprecedented global petition calling on US decision makers to reject the bill and stop Internet censorship. Sign now and then forward as widely as possible — our message will be delivered directly to key members of the US Congress ahead of the crucial vote.
Update: 29 November 2011
The vote could happen at any time now, but free speech champions in Congress say our outcry will help, and one of them – Senator Wyden – is even going to block the vote by reading out our petition names for hours! Let’s reach 1 million! 10 million by next week worldwide !!!! and then a billion soon if only everyone does his / her part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's now or never !!!!
Over 800K so far a few days ago
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal Posted by Laura Tyco ⋅ November 22, 2011
Arrest Bush, says Amnesty International Posted by Laura Tyco ⋅ December 2, 2011
The lawsuit that could end the gangster rule of Western civilization November 24th, 201
The lawsuit mentioned above can be viewed at the link below:
Thanks for the link
I signed the petition to stop the creation of a Black List to censor websites off the internet. There should NEVER be any censoring of the net, per the the supreme law of the land (first amendment).
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