Forum Post: Sop FRACKING up the Environment!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 10:14 a.m. EST by RationalReaper
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The commercials saying hydrofracking is safe are propaganda lies. You can't tell me the process is safe when you can ignite tap water in a frack zone.
Perry says open more government lands for drilling...I say big oil already has millions of government lands on which to drill....BUT they are not drilling there.
Open federal lands and auction acreage off to organic farmers who will not use Genetically Modified Seed or Petrochemical fertilizers.
auction lands to entrepreneurs who will build green technology manufacturing plants....and work on the Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines...( HICE)...these can easily be built with on-board hydrogen production the size of a cool mist room vaporizer.
We don't need electric cars or batteries that will end in a landfill one day.
The technology is already available but big petroleum owns the patents...and they won't give it up. Make them share the technology so we can end dependence on oil and clean up our environment. Hydrogen can be produced from any source of water...potable water...gray water.....salt water......
Let's quit mucking around.
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