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Forum Post: Son's of Liberty as the Occupy America anthem?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 5:27 a.m. EST by Alice (46) from Staten Island, NY
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If you've never seen the movie Johnny Tremain, here's the song on YouTube.


Plant the seed in our homeland, boys. Let it grow where all can see. Feed it with our devotion, boys. Call it the Liberty Tree. CHORUS: It's a tall old tree and a strong old tree, And we are the Sons, yes, we are the Sons, the Sons of Liberty. Save it from the storm, boys. Water down its roots with tea; And the sun will always shine On the old Liberty Tree. CHORUS March along with the piper, boys. We were born forever free. We will pay the piper, boys, Beneath the Liberty Tree. CHORUS Pay the price they're asking, boys, Always pay the tyrant's fee. Never give up the struggle, boys, Fight for the Liberty Tree. CHORUS Stand for the rights of man, boys. Stand against all tyranny. Hang the of light of freedom, boys, High on the Liberty Tree. CHORUS It will grow as we grow, boys. It will be as strong as we. We must cling to our faith, boys, Faith in the Liberty Tree. CHORUS

Does the Tea Party already have dibs,? It is after all a song from the Boston Tea Party. I think we're entitled to our proud history of revolution as much as the Palinites, though!

Should we try to circulate the chorus? What do you think? Tell us in the comments!



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[-] 1 points by QuietDay (59) 13 years ago

As a woman - the 51% - I find this anthem alienating and retrograde.

[-] 1 points by MakeLuvNotBillions (113) 13 years ago

Children of liberty.