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Forum Post: Something to keep in mind...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:05 a.m. EST by Solono (5)
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The crisis is the fault of both parties. It was under Clinton's administration that Glass-Steagall was repealed, which is what enabled the banks to do what they did.

There are certain individuals that don't care about the United States and seek to actively destroy it. They use both sides, right and left, to achieve their goals. This is beyond right vs. left or Republican vs. Democrat. This is about humanity and civilization vs. an onrushing dark age ruled by oligarchs that view the rest of humanity as nothing more than cattle to be culled (I'm talking here about oligarchs, not regular "rich" people. There's a big difference).

This isn't a regular boom-bust cycle. The whole system is collapsing ALL OVER THE WORLD. If you still view this through the prism of left vs. right you don't understand what's actually happening.



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[-] 1 points by Solono (5) 13 years ago

Or, in other words, we're not heading toward socialism or communism, or democracy, or capitalism. We're heading straight toward FEUDALISM (call it what it is!) unless something is done soon.