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Forum Post: Something that caught my attention.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by Rmarks1701 (103)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I was reading various news sources (including OWS) and something caught my attention. That was this little bit of information, it seems that the unions have joined the OWS movement.

Now I embrace, the principle behind OWS, that anyone and everyone may join the movement despite their political leanings, however the Unions put a different spin on things. You see Unions are a political entity unto themselves. They, just like the corporations, wield disproportional influence in politics by buying votes. they also bully and threaten corporations by threatening mass walkout's and strikes if they do not get their own way.

Do not get me wrong, the idea behind unions is sound, but it has long since become politicized, and modern day unions act just like big corporations do, just on the right side of the political line instead of the left.

If we want to stop corporations from buying votes, we must also level the playing field and stop the unions from buying votes or using other leveraging actions (such as mass walkouts etc) from swaying the politicians from representing the 99% of the people, not just those in the unions.



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[-] 1 points by ForTheWinnebago (143) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Justakid (40) from Villa Rica, GA 13 years ago

Agreed. From what I've read, OWS is speaking out against being co-opped by outside organizations. They want support, but not completely take over. Even so, I don't think being loosely affiliated with unions will cause problems internally. But I do think that the media will really grab onto it.