Forum Post: Something for Everyone
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10:25 a.m. EST by pastatute
from Eureka Springs, AR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It all goes back to one thing, the insidious effect of money when used for personal/corporate gain. The only vehicle to control the excesses of Wall Street is government regulation. Since the Supreme Court has allowed corporations unfettered access to our election process, the only way to overturn their ruling is through a Constitutional amendment.
Taking the influence of money out of the election cycle will aide almost every effort by the people to right what we feel has gone terribly wrong in our country. There would be no better use of our taxpayer dollars than to fund all House, Senate and Presidential elections.
A petitioning process whereby volunteers for a candidate gather the requisite number of signatures would thereby qualify a candidate to be part of the election process. Personal fortunes would not be allowed to be used in electing a candidate.
Removing money from the election process would ensure the equality of one person, one vote. Politicians would also benefit from such a system as they would not have to pander for money and would be able to devote more time to doing the people's business. Lobbiests would also have their influence reduced as they would no longer be able to influence a politician with promises of campaign funds.
Getting money out of the system will allow for third parties to challenge the status quo. All citizen intitiated efforts, like sustainable economy, green technology, and social justice issues will be easier to accomplish without having to fight the entrenched interests of corporate america.