Forum Post: Someone just said Greenspan was a libertarian
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 10:25 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Thats right folks, someone just called a central planner, THE central planner, a libertarian.
This is the stupidity that OWS is fighting with 99%.
"With members of the House oversight and government reform committee blasting Greenspan for his past decisions that helped pave the way for the current financial crisis, he acknowledged that his libertarian view of markets and the financial world had not worked out so well. "You know," he told the legislators, "that's precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well." While Greenspan did defend his various decisions, he admitted that his faith in the ability of free and loosely-regulated markets to produce the best outcomes had been shaken: "I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms.""
Sounds like an Obama speech talking about the middle class....Too funny..
You say that as if he's not.
He is, along with the majority of CEOs..
Who do you think keeps CATO and ALEC in business?
Um, no I am sorry, you are very wrong, and this misunderstanding of basic political beliefs and their ramifications is a major reason for this unedcated public being swayed one way or another.
None of them are libertarians, they are fascists (corporatists). They believe in many rules and regulations, that prevent competition from rising up to their levels. They buy the regulatory agencies, and the agencies only enforce the rules on the little guys.
Libertarians do not subscribe to this.
CATO has suddenly become non-libertarian?
How many flavors do they come in?
Screw CATO, its a useless organization. What do they have to do with people? Nothing, its just more PR fluff.
Libertarianism is wholly multi pronged/marketing PR fluff.
How could you think otherwise?
And the other models arent as equally messed up? I never said that libertarianism is a perfect model. All models have that huge pain in the ass aspect to them- they are run by humans!! :)
Well, Greenspan did worship Ayn Rand. He claimed to be liberatarian. Then again, Libertarianism is a form of brain damage so I don't think it something to be proud of
Greenspan was also a victim of Libertarianism brainwashing.
NO "BlueRose !
Greenspan is a 0.01%er (The Parasitic 1% of the ~1%) and is NOT "a victim" but is actually one of The Chief Perpetrators and Enablers of Massive Financial Crimes and he should be behind bars !!
[ ]
Greenspan was a "Central Planner" purely for The ~1% & The 0.01% in particular, not unlike the now dead as a dodo, Kim Jong IL !!!
fiat justitia ...
You guys kill me. You'll believe anything the media tells you. Doesnt matter if HE considered himself a libertarian or a space alien...Go ask libertarians about central planning.
NO 'hic-hic' ! You and your 'strawmen arguments' are 'killing" yourself with your own 'schtoopidytee' !!
Apparently, "Someone just said Greenspan was a libertarian" and evidently, it sent your so called brain into spasm such that you couldn't help reflexively reacting you your forum post above !!!
I really don't know whose more 'schtoopid', you or "someone" ?
nosce te ipsum ...
Sort of like you cant help but reply with horrible attempt at comedy? What strawman do you refer to? This should be good...
@ hchc : You clearly have a point ! Whatever I meant 14 hours ago seems to escape me now that I re-read again (admittedly at your invitation!) and hence contrition and a large helping of humble pie are in order as is an unequivocal retraction of my barbed post.
No excuses, but I saw Greenspan's name and the red-mist descended ! Even tho' 'someone' called The Randian Nutter a 'Libertarian' and you responded, I misread what you said into thinking you were defending him and having a dig at the 99% !! Too bizarre for further words !!! ;-(
In short, I apologise and admit that here, I've been the "schtoopid" one. Post in haste and repent at leisure, eh ? Dhoh !! I think that I'd prefer you to read my replies to 'BlueRose' above in order to see where I stand re. The Gspan ! Sheepish best wishes for the hols.
mea maxima culpa ...
Ha no prob man, this is a crazy ass forum :)
Thanx for your good grace at my lack thereof ! Crazy (x) ? That's me sometimes! Stay well and aware ;-)
The idea of self-correcting markets is delusional - without the Fed and state intervention it would collapse a lot faster. Markets are inherently irrational and trend towards social discord. Market Economics is the intellectual trojan horse of our time. It's all politics. Built on false assumption with massive blindnesses.
Who gives a shit if Greenspan was a "true" libertoon or not - it's all bullshit
Yeah, that;s why Communist China has moved away from central planning towards capitalism int he past 15 years. But your right, it didn't work there.
Go ahead, use some more curse words. Are you sitting in a bar having a beer. Swig another one.
haha.. The government has been central planning since it's inception . How do you think they got rid of the native americans for all that private property that they handed out in the biggest government handout of all time to farmers and railroads
No income tax back then.
Right, we need more government in everyone's lives, right? Because Obama,Boehner, Reid and McConnel have proven to be so fuckin great at helping hte little guy.
If they would all just move to Mars, we would be much better off.
Politicians are here to serve capital. The Fed Chairman is here to serve capital. And that is what they did, very well.
I would like to add "politicians that are choosen by the elites" into your statement. If OWS and Tea ran their own candidates, without interference from the Dems and the Reps, we would have actual progress on things. Corps would be held accountable, and corruption in the gov would be wiped out.
I claim to be a woman (Im not), so if I claim it, it makes it true?
Go ask some libertarians about what they think of central planning.
Libertarianism is not even a valid philosophy. Contradictory narcissistic mental masturbation to prove solipsism. The Fed is not central planning - it's 1) a skimming operation for the big capitalists and 2) a trick to give the illusion of control. The fed does not set interest rates - the "market" does. The fed just pretends
Hence the markets reaction everytime the Bernake speaks....HAHAHAHAHAHA
People that try to derive meaning in market moves like people reading tea leaves. It's just magical thinking fashioned to whatever you want to prove. Markets are IRRATIONAL and emotion driven. That have nothing to do with the state of the economic world's prospects.
The market seems to like when it gets large amounts of capital is injected into to it. It threatens to crash if it does not get it's government interventions. Heck the markets would collapse a lot faster without constant government interventions
Thats because gov intervention is the only thing propping it up, and the markets know it. A slow, inflation driven decline is what they are hoping for, its the best of the bad options.
Need I or anyone else, really say much more than : and ?!
fiat lux ...
Excellent, thank you.
Greenspan, a financial terrorist, should be in prison...Greenspan, Summers and Rubin - were not geniuses, just filthy thieves....they tore down the Glass-Steagall Act and went ape shit....they should all be behind bars...
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Yeah, seriously great point! Thank you for raising the contradiction in thought. Does not matter what he considered himself, his actions spoke clearly that he was against the free market. The hubris of so many is that they think they are special and will not be corrupted by power.