Forum Post: Somebody with balls to take on the 1%'s Mercenary Army
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 22, 2015, 7:41 p.m. EST by Shule
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While researching for my previous post on the subject, I came across this noble personnality. A few years back in 2008 a Catholic Worker, Steve Baggerly, lead a small group of about fifty or so activists down to Blackwater's training camp in North Carolina and staged a "die in"; painting the Blackwater signs with blood. Blackwater unable to defend themselves, like anybody else, called the local cops. Seven of the fifty activists got arrested. They were given a secret "behind closed doors trial". Of course, none of this made the major news, but was reported by the local papers. The judge asked Baggerly about breaking laws. Baggerly replied " of course, when the law is no longer just, Breaking the law is very much the point."
Info sources:
Good post. This guy needs to take his story to Free and Equal, Democracy Now, etc.
'Love this guy. Check him out on top of a B-52 at a military air show:
You need to hear Eric Prince from minute 13 of this -
In fact, y'all need to watch the whole god damned thing! Trust me on this. Walmart. OWS. Blackwater. Eric Prince to Nomi Prins and many points in between, including Tom Cruise! It's Utterly Unforgettable!
That was certainly a must watch. Thanks. - was the link that you posted earlier here... but
because the colon was too close to the ''h'' of 'https', the link to your important information didn't work.
Thanks for echoing my sentiment about that linked documentary and I again recommend it to all here.
Also fyi -
I wonder who is funding the TWSP?
Re. - that is probably a good question to ask. Maybe we could try - for a start and then more later.
I googled around. Its hard to find solid info on these folks, but it seems lilke they morphed out of this group called United Front Against Austerity apparently based out of .. New York? are indeed NYC based.Perhaps we should expect such groups to coalesce in and around New York City, where so much of the financial crimes are happening. Quite a number of ex-Wall Street people were and indeed still are, deeply involved with OWS and off-shoot organisations such as and and indeed, both are well worth your exploration. All the very best and good luck to them and indeed the imo.