Forum Post: Some thoughts about relating to authority
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:37 p.m. EST by ClearRunningWater
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Confronting authority directly will always result in unwanted harm done to you. However if you confront authority indirectly you can nullify their authority and achieve your goal. Think like a Taoist..
They have only one resource, force and coercion. They can only get away with using it if they are confronted. If confronted they will justify violence.
Being kicked out of the park in other words should not be responded to by going back to the park.
How about using funds raised to rent a location or locations. Perhaps someone would donate space. Put the word out. From the various locations flood mass transit with passengers and people disembarking onto the sidewalks. It is not against the law to wait for or to ride a bus and they cannot limit the number of people on the city streets without cooperating with the overall hinderance of work activies.
Keeping a continual flow of people jamming mass transit and sidewalks at rush hours would be quite effective at throwing a wooden shoe in the gears. If the seats of the buses are filled with protesters no one gets to work.
Violent cops annoy the decent cops who are there to protect and serve the people.
Once the cops start busting heads and limiting media coverage they are playing with fire, there are wayyyy more of us civilians than there are of them and unlike the other foreign countries that are seeing an awakening there are MANY armed patriots waiting and watching
This may be a watershed moment for the principles of democracy. In all my years I have never seen anything like it. In the past the public hated the rober baron's but did not have the popular support to start a movement beyond the labor movement.
This movement or coming to awareness crosses several societal boundaries and provides a basis of solidarity for a broad spectrum of people.
We may not all agree on the paticulars, we may all see different symptoms and describe the ills they represent while others see other things just as grevious.
But they all result from the same disease.