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Forum Post: Some Suggestions for Consideration

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 2:25 p.m. EST by InUsIsThePower (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here are some proposals to begin the process of change and restoration of freedom. These are not all the answers to the problems which plague us, but a beginning, a way to turn our path around and take a few steps in the right direction. This is a compromise, and addresses issues which are very important to many different groups. It is not beholden to any political affiliation. It is my hope that the ideas proposed will restore honesty to the system, and allow the people to obtain control of our country again.

I have never been affiliated with any political party and have always held an undeclared party affiliation for voter registration.

-Return corporations to their non-entity status. They were set up as such to mitigate losses of the company. They are businesses not political movements and should not be allowed unlimited campaign contributions. This leads to corruption.

-Reduce salaries of federally elected officials. They have proven they are not worthy of such lofty salaries.

-Reduce staff sizes to the point that the one who is elected has to learn the issues in order to know what’s going on. A closer relationship with the information allows for a better understanding of the right course of action.

-End lobbying.

-Open all books. A government of the people should easily reviewed by the people.

-Cap the amount of money to be raised and spent on a campaign. A relatively low figure. Only the people should be able to contribute to a campaign. Campaigns have been reduced to propaganda machines.

-Equal taxation and representation.

-End funding for committees that are given arbitrary power over the people.

-Research and learn of viable solutions before making legislation and committees that control and restrain what is not understood. Knee-jerk reactions only polarize and politicize real concerns. Honestly educate, and trust the people to decide what is right.

-Restore the fourth amendment to its strongest interpretation.

-Repeal the Patriot Act, and other legislation which removes power from the people, and allows the government the ability to watch or arrest anyone they want without a warrant.

-New legislation should be as short and concise as possible. It should be easily disseminated by the people. Law degrees and hours of tedious reading should not be necessary to understand the laws that effect us.

-Use current technology to allow the people a more direct voice.

-Equal rights for all citizens. To refuse a right based on ideological beliefs, and not allow an equal distribution of freedom, is criminal for this government.

-Allow non-violent illegal immigrants, who have established themselves in this country, a way to become legalized. Not necessarily jumping straight to citizens, but allow them to join the process. To deport them without fixing why they came is counterproductive and counter-intuitive. Fix the problem, don’t attack the symptom.

-End prohibition and the war on drugs, both have proven to be enormous failures. Prohibition begets violence, as can be seen on the border with Mexico and in our cities. This would also create jobs and help the economy on both sides of the border. This should be done with regulations similar to alcohol and tobacco.

-Use the money from the war on drugs to fight modern slavery. There are more slaves now than when slavery was a legal trade. Fight oppression, don’t become oppressors.

-Work together more with Mexico. Spend money on fostering a closer relationship with our neighbors, and not forcing the tyrants in controls notion of what this country stands for on people who neither asked for it, nor do they want it. To work more in concert with Mexico to improve both countries will help solve the issue of people illegally coming over.

-Allow the people to vote on any war. The only exception would be if the country is invaded and an immediate response is necessary for the survival of this country.

-Forgive student loans. Young, educated people are burdened by enormous debt. Relieve that burden, and marvel as more money gets pumped into the economy, and not put into bank vaults. This will shift power back to the people, and away from banks.

-Take control of our monetary system back from an independent organization that has been allowed to control our money, and is not honest enough to be open with their policies and books.



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