Forum Post: Some Recommendations from an Educated Cynic on the Sidelines
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 11:48 p.m. EST by OnTheReal
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As a New York resident, for months I have been watching the Occupy Wall St. protest and trying to keep up to date on its happenings. In its early days I even felt a twinge of excitement at the potential such a movement could have and the possibility for our first taste of hope for change in decades. However, as the months have gone by, and the movement has materialized into its more permanent, ‘organized’ form, I am left with disappointment and immitigable frustration. Occupy Wall St. has taken a rare opportunity, the perfect mélange of socioeconomic circumstances and political climate, and wasted it by turning this movement into yet another display of naïve, plaid-cloaked hipsters tapping away on bongos and toting cleverly-quipped, but irrelevant written displays of their ‘demands’.
Having given this much thought and research, it is my belief that the crux of the situation lies with two fatal flaws. The first flaw is an embarrassing lack of rational planning and organization. The second, and far more unforgivable of the two, is a gross lack of knowledge and understanding of not only the political system, but of the historical context of protests, which I can only attribute to an excessive amount of youthful arrogance and immaturity. While you may disagree with my critique, there is no denying that the movement’s current methods are flawed, as they have failed to garner any substantial success despite people’s efforts. Therefore, I implore you to listen to my criticisms and fairly consider my recommendations that follow, if for no other reason than because I am an individual outside the movement, living amongst the common people you are trying so desperately to convince and whose support you require in order to succeed in your efforts. Simply convincing a few thousand students, whilst the majority of the ‘99%’ go about their daily lives will not achieve change. Hopefully, by hearing one more opinion, one of the many 99-percenters who has not come out to occupy, you may be able to see a different perspective and implement new ideas and methods into your movement, or rather the movement that purports to represent the interests of all 99% of us.
While the first flaw of the movement is a lack of organization, I would like to focus on the far more critical second error of the movement both because of its greater importance and that I truly believe that if the second condition is met, the first one will work itself out, as more knowledge often does improve the situation. The canker on the otherwise friendly, wayfarer-decked face of Occupy Wall St is the blatant lack of knowledge or at least complete disregard for the historical role of protests and the form in which the American political process operates. From its conception, the idea of utilizing a protest to affect massive economic change is erroneous and those who truly believe this is possible are at minimum foolishly misguided and at worst horrifyingly ignorant. The idea is absurd. If you require proof, study history. Find me the protest, and at that a peaceful one that occurred in the last 200 hundred years, that has EVER wished, let alone succeeded in overhauling what is essentially our entire economic system (and if you haven’t yet realized that the demand for socioeconomic equality and an end to plutocratic rule requires a complete revitalization and renovation of our current economic system-a system by the way that has weathered no significant change in over a century-then once again, you need to pick up a book, and this time try opening it and getting past the illustration on the cover).
Now before you shout out answers like the Arab Spring, or the popular Western European labor protests, allow me to further specify the criteria required to find a comparable historical example as proof. Find a nonviolent protest that involved essentially doing nothing but holding signs, playing music, and periodically occupying abandoned buildings under which squatters’ rights would already have protected you and avoided all extreme demonstrations of intent. In addition, and this is most critical, find a protest that demanded and resulted in a change of the economic system WITHOUT also requesting or resulting in a change in political leadership, constitutional framework, foreign policy, trade relations, social welfare provisions, and/or new geographical border demarcation. If you find that task too daunting or you’re too busy chanting with your bongos downtown, then allow me to save you the effort and spoil the ending for you, you won’t find any. You will find countries that have overthrown leaders and instituted new economic systems (ala Asian Tigers). You will find countries that have successfully implemented better labor laws through protest, whilst maintaining the current political leaders. Yet none have had the audacity, or rather the stupidity, to politely request that the wealthiest Americans, who for centuries have knowingly and unabashedly exploited the world’s poor and middle classes to fatten their already corpulent wallets, would please stop doing that and ask for the support of the American government in this venture, who by now many of you have realized has not only been aware of this occurrence but has perpetuated the elite’s exploitation to keep their own lifeboat afloat.
The reason you will not find any examples in history is because they all realized what you all have not, business as usual has gone on unchanged for centuries, and if you wish to change it, you must try something far out of the realm of ‘usual’ and significantly impede the continuation of their business. To offer a more tangible comparison, right now you are a tiny splinter in one very-calloused foot, at this point the wealthy elite barely notice you, let alone be bothered by your pitiful attempts to hurt them. To enact change you must become a blockage in the airway of the elite, completely obstruct their methods until their gasping for more money and will be desperate to acquiesce. If you want to enact change you must study how change has been done in the past, study what needs to changed in this country’s framework in order for your demands to be met, and you must reorganize and re-conceptualize your plan of attack. There are only two ways in which the 99% can be effective and both come down to our one and only power over the wealthy-our greater numbers. The first way is in the voting booth, through public pressure for and election of better candidates who will rise above plutocratic bribery and actually represent our interests. The second way is through EXTREME action, carrying a few signs or even forming a human chain whilst the employees of those buildings still get by to work and the CEOs stare down from the 70th floor laughing is not going to do anything but make the movement look childish, ineffective, and poorly-planned. This method will not only fail to get the 1% to take you seriously, it will also result in the far more grievous error of losing the respect and much-needed support of the rest of the 99%, because in case you didn’t notice, less than 15% of the 99% is actually ‘occupying’ anything.
Hear me when I say, you need the rest of the 99% to stand with you, if this movement is going to have any hope. You need us, and unless you change your actions you’re not going to get us. There are many of us who do not fully agree with you, nor do we fully disagree. A great number are swaying in the middle waiting to be baited by a more appealing offer, one that more accurately represents our interests and more realistically offers a chance at having them realized. Whilst I will always side with the left, I can not say that for the majority of the country, who have become the vulnerable prey for conservative propagandists. This is your moment. This is our moment to finally honestly represent our ideas and our hopes for the future of this country and its people. This is our last chance. If we lose this battle, we will lose the American people, we’ll lose any opportunity we have now to change the ignorant, bigoted ideas that were embedded in the minds of so many forefathers and have mangled so many family trees and our nation’s history as they’re passed down from generation to generation. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t waste this opportunity by being anything less than 100% prepared, serious, organized, educated, and determined not to back down until real change is implemented.
I would argue that at no point in history have we had access to the communications, political, social and anthropological sciences that we have today. The fact that you have that very information is proof of that. Therefore given the new variables that can be inserted into this overall situation (ie; the occupy protests) a completely historical view is rendered meaningless. I would highly recommend everyone to read up on protests of the past.... for the educational value they provide, and then, to apply them to the now, in view of the future.
In other words....I would not state that because it has NEVER been done, this means we can never do it....btw love the support, love the thoughts, and love to hear more contribution!
Check this out...
Many people have had many ideas.....
btw.... For more info on what the above has done to change revolutions, protests and more in general, please google facebooks role in the rebellions in lybia and egypt, look into the history of Gandhi, And look at the revolutions that are right now connecting around the globe, and calling themselves occupy....
It's a great speech, now please cross the sidelines and get involved. You seem to be prepared, serious, educated and determined. The only bit missing is the "organized".
uh...why are you saying "Don't Fuck this up". you are part of hte 99% as well and if you want your voice heard and if you have such a better idea why don't you just offer some suggestions, this is the most open group of people I have ever encountered, they will listen to your suggestions and actually change their practices if there is a consensus of agreement. So go ahead tell us your constructive ideas, it is easy to sit by and criticize, we never claimed to be politicians with multi-million dollar advretising budgets who go out and have focus groups and hire "historians" to advise us. we are simply the average american grade school teacher who saw her pesion get gambled away, we are the single mother who is getting her house forclosed on. we actually do have jobs and try to put as much time into this as possible. Of course it is going to be messy. any suggestions would be much appreciated so what are you thinking. We are very interested in "action groups" where we actually come up with a concrete action and focus on it. I did not know anything about income inequality until I started reading on the forums, I have learned so much from talking to these mostly very educated people. So for me it is really creating change. people are talking people are sharing information that is always the first step in real societal change. the civil rights movements of the 60s have their roots in protests that go back many many decades before laws actually changed, these kinds of changes need an entire generation usually to really sink in, it is an idealogical change that our society needs as a whole, voting for one politician isn't going to solve that. offer up some of your solutions please we are all ears. and lets temper all the criticism. I think it is not a bad movement for a spontaneous protest, seeing a third of a million people signup in the facebook page is encouraging also
So we should either vote or do something extreme? What qualifies as extreme?
Controlled chaos/organized mass hysteria. Die-ins, pyrotechnics, hunger strikes, nude-ins, completely blocking entrances to large chains to fight mass consumerism, human pyramids to demonstrate hierarchy, minor vandalism of elite property etc. Something to completely disrupt the flow of 'progress' and leave a lasting image in people's minds.
They've already tried some of this. Vandalizing property doesn't earn you any brownie points with the vast swath of the American public. Most would actually cheer the cops busting a few heads. Keeping people from shopping where they wish to doesn't either, keeping them from getting to work doesn't. Now your idea about voting, that's a good one.
Whether through physically blocking doors or getting people to agree not to go into stores, this is perhaps one of the most powerful ways we can enact change. On the surface it may seem to only be affecting the lives of the 99%, and in the immediate future it will be. It will be inconvenient for us and difficult to resist consuming, but in the long-term it sends a message in the only terms the wealthy elite care about-money-and will be impossible to ignore. Think about it, if everyone for even ONE WEEK agreed not to go into any Walmart across the country, think of how much money the Waltons would lose. Now times that by other large corporate consumer factories being affected like Target, Kmart, Macys etc., one day, let alone one week without customers would severely hurt their revenue and threaten their business. It would make them scared and more vulnerable to listening to the demands of the 99%. We as the majority have all the power, we control demand, it doesn't matter what the supply is if we stop demanding their business crumbles. We need to turn around this unequal relationship and show them that they rely on us more than we rely on them.
Do you think the waltons give a rat's ass? They're worth $100 billion! They don't exactly have to work. They just react to circumstances. You don't shop for a week, they lay off 1000 workers. Go a month, they close a few stores. They hire PR firms and take out ads saying it's your fault they're having to lay off and close stores, YOU and your boycott are standing in the way of people being able to buy low priced goods and YOU are raising the cost of living for everyone. Worst comes to worst, they sell out to another capitalist at a lose price who can run the business at a smaller size until your boycott ends. You are up against people who are experts in human psychology. They make a fortune manipulating the buying public, but also give them what they demand, a large variety of goods at very low prices.
It's already fucked up. They aren't any further than they were on day 1
Thanks Freedom, sorry to disappoint at the end. Admittedly it was a getting a little long and I wound up throwing the end together just to end my rant, sorry if it came off too biased or stereotypical :)
Until the very end, where you bail out into the old left vs right thing, I loved this.
my apologies for the formatting error. when I copied and pasted it from word I didn't notice the paragraph breaks didn't carry over, and the editing function isn't working for me right now...but thanks for really taking the time to read the entire thing and learn something. I can see why the movement is doing so well ;)
: )
paragraphs dont make any sense tho. lets try some topic sentences next time. tell you what. scrub the whole thing and start over it would be easier.
OWS is an expression of the common conditions of the 99%. OWS is not a packaged product that must lure reluctant 99% as you misstate. You'd be one with OWS if you were a 99% or you must step aside.
clearly you do not understand your own movement's catchphrase. One is of the 99% merely based on their socioeconomic status not based on their political or philosophical beliefs. Last time I checked I was not fortunate enough to be among the millionaires, but belonged to the lowly middle class students. Also, I would just like to point out that I AM NOT in standing your way. That type of attitude that if we don't agree we should step aside is what's putting YOU in your own way. You need to rethink your methods to win over the rest of the 99%, so we can all stand together against the 1% rather than delegate any sympathizing critics to the 'dark side'.
Beside pontificating, what do you plan to do about all this/
Well until the OWS followers wake up and the movement changes, absolutely nothing. Although I'd like to naively believe that my sole efforts could change things, the very fact that people respond so negatively rather than trying to learn something or benefit at all from my statements reminds me not to waste my breath. In the mean time I'm going to keep struggling to make ends meet, finish my degree, and probably move to a country that can handle itself with people who are smart enough to demand and achieve better governance.
I'm sorry for being negative, but most of the best people on this forum seem to me to be dilletantes. More often than not they have never been to an occupation or a GA and even when they have ideas that I agree with, they seldom put forward any kind of strategy regarding how to impliment those plans. This is usually because they are absolutely clueless about the decistion making process in OWS. As I see it any plans to change OWS or to have it move forward must start with a concrete, serious and practical strategy for moving such a plan forward or it is simply not serious.
this cynic wishes you would insert some paragraph breaks
Paragraphs must not have been included in his education.
maybe its supposed to be "rant-style"