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Forum Post: Some points for a unified message

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 10:29 a.m. EST by RationalReaper (188)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am center left and have been very vocal online about the multitude of problems we have for many years. I am disabled in part due to the corruption of insurance cos,however the problems that I and millions in America face go far beyond.

If I may list some of the things needed to change this system.

Term limits for all elected and appointed.

Graduated flat tax

Fair,Honest and Ethical financial relationships.ie: reasonable interest rates on credit cards.No hidden fees on loans....no origination fees, closing fees etc.

Injured workers on the job must not be tied up by delays for needed medical/surgical care for 10 years like I have been even after a judge has already ruled in workers' favor.

No more lobbyists writing laws and party political script.No personhood of corporations.No more political family royalty " Bush" "Kennedy" etc.

Tarrif imports high enough to incentivize bringing manufacturing jobs back to America.

Investigate and bring charges/prosecute Wall Street execs for corrupt deeds.

Simple language..black and white language on all legally binding contracts between two parties.

Congress needs to stop foreclosures by forcing banks to roll back interest rates to initial rate on all ARM mortgages and dismiss overdue charges beyond that rate for all.

Legalize recreational drugs ...legalize, regulate and tax...they aren't going away so let's make some revenue and stop making users felons and convicts...use the prison system for violent and grand theft type crimes.......stop the prison industrial complex.

Stop the wars...end crony no bid defense contracts.

Did I say term limits of our legislative bodies and judicial systems?

So much more but this is a start. I am so glad to see this happening around the country.



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[-] 1 points by sleonard (54) from Cranford, NJ 13 years ago

This is a move in the right direction and, from what I see, it is what OWS is fundamentally about. Political and electoral reform is the key to the people taking control of their govt. and destiny.