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Forum Post: Some OWS Trolls Are Playing Both Sides. Let Us See Your Real "Face" Thrasymaque

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:01 a.m. EST by ExposeTheTrolls (18) from Ochopee, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

trolls became beings in their own right, typically portrayed as large, dull, particularly ugly creatures

trolls are said to dwell in isolated mountains, rocks, and caves, sometimes live together (usually as father-and-daughter or mother-and-son), and are rarely described as helpful or friendly.



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[-] 1 points by crashingglobalmarkets (43) from Brick, NJ 13 years ago

Well find something else to do besides censoring others with the same destructive result as 800 trolls

[-] 1 points by ExposeTheTrolls (18) from Ochopee, FL 13 years ago

The lack of response to this post reinforces my belief that trolls are just about the only one's on this forum. They bully the regular people, argue amongst themselves endlessly, and in my opinion not advancing the cause. The most popular threads are started by trolls, populated by trolls, moderated by trolls, and often ignore legitimate questions and comments only to fight amongst themselves.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

if you believe that the real problem, as I do, is that the political system works when cooler heads are in charge, then you are able to see both sides of the political argument. because I see the solution to modern life as a well balanced social, economic, and political trifecta, then I believe that obtaining all three should be the goal in order to prolong stability. most so called trolls, in my opinion, want to take the balance of all three to one extreme or the other. no?

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/ OWS: Ridiculous nonsense all day in the park II

Nobody owns truth. Saying, "It would be my truth," makes no sense. Most people say that and I take them at their word, they believe it. They believe complete nonsense. (The statement was made on the OWS forum.)

Making ridiculous comments to me insults my intelligence. Either I choose to ignore buffoons, or I might respond to their insult. Our society can choose to be politically correct or we can ridicule screwballs who are destroying our society.

Sitting in the park expecting utopia is crazy. OWS is a crazy protest because the OWS remedy for the "crime family" American government taking bribes in plan view is a worthless protest by lazy, ignorant people expecting utopia. I learned this first hand by making 7 trips to the park and listening to a large number of protesters.

I say there is water in the ocean. That is true. Its not my truth. Its true because God created the ocean by God's decision to put water in what would otherwise be dry holes such as God didn't create any water on other planets. Water is unique to earth as far as we know.

There may or may not be water on other planets, but there is no proof either way.

[-] 1 points by ExposeTheTrolls (18) from Ochopee, FL 13 years ago

Being a small business owner, I can see both sides. But the side I'm on is tired of the trickle-down theory and getting my leg pissed on and told it's raining. Ether that, or they're just entertaining themselves at our expense. Finally, a voice of reason.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

what i suggest is that we tax the middle class a less proportion of their taxes, tax the wealth more and raise the working class's minimum wage. this does not put more money in the system, so prices should not go up. prices go up when more dollars are chasing fewer goods. because i don't suggest that we flood the market with quantitative easing principals, but rather redistribute what is already there. think about what i'm saying as it would pertain to a family. children are the workers, the middle class are the house organizers, and wealthy are the bread earners. whose taxes should be stimulating growth?

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

thumb's up @Jesse.


[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

pfft. Divide and conquer is too old a tactic for it to have much success.


[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

I guess this troll thing goes back to your roots in "Dungeons and Dragons"

[-] 1 points by ExposeTheTrolls (18) from Ochopee, FL 13 years ago

Never played it. Too busy working until the economy tanked. Started working at 15, haven't stopped yet. The only reason I'm even here is that being a small business owner in the construction trade, I seem to havve a lot more time on my hands lately.

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

partnering up with anarchists, socialists and communists isn't the way to go for an independent businessman.

[-] 1 points by ExposeTheTrolls (18) from Ochopee, FL 13 years ago

Not everyone here fits that description. I've been trying to find the regular Joe's, not the Joe-the-plumbers.