Forum Post: Some idea 's from the mind of Gene Sharp anyone ..
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 12:46 a.m. EST by omegablue13
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i've been looking up and have recently read some of Mr. Sharp's work some of his idea 's may help the cause phase 1. when occupy sets out to protest a corporate building or anywhere for that matter they need to make sure they place the elderly ,war vets ,kids ,and soldiers who lost limbs in the front line so is to 1 show the we are not a threat and we are first and foremost peaceful 2 . if the police which at this point in the game are goons with a badge who cant see that they are next on the hit list to enslave if they react in a negative ways which they have been people on the other side will ask why are they hitting grandma ,grandpa ww2 vets etc. which in turn may help rally and open the eyes to the other wise blind that are on the other side of the fence phase 3 . we need a symbol for the movement my idea is a flag such as is the symbol on the back of the 1 dollar bill the all seeing eye but have the eye closed and the word 's let us open so all may see . just an idea .we also need more sings to hold up that say things like (capitalism works 1% of the time what about the other 99 ? ) ( if communism and fascism had a love they'd call it American capitalism ) ( coca cola quenched the thirst of the Nazi's as Jews died .history lesson before during and after WWII coca cola sent a drink made just for the Germans called fantana orange soda well as ibm sent there first computers over the during the war which logged and recorded all the Jewish and other captives names as there were gassed the point of saying this would be to say American Capitalism has killed and oppressed well over a billion and counting don't believe me ask a Native American for a start ,more sings like what did Wells Fargo get for x-mas my house and taxpayer bonuses ( to all are one not just 1% of the time because you forgot the other 99 ( why are so many Americans sick with cancer ? because they poison are food and our children's juice with arsenic why do they poison the bottom 99 ? and just a ton of signs that say we the people for the people by the people .. (god loves the bottom 99 that's why he made so many of us ) socialized medicine = 0% in profit a socialized army like ours = billions in profit but not for the bottom 99 ... use yellow stone national park for Geo -therm o energy .. ask question to the other side such as why if we are in such an energy crisis and it cost more to get and make the oil why do they report such high profits ? answer because it's a lie or how come there's not a new federal law on how we build and a program to help home owners no pun intended put solar on there homes why because big energy would lose billions if homes were more energy efficient... and also make point as to why all state and government ran things such as schools and prisons to name a cpl fail because our elected official's have been bought and paid for by corporate America to make sure they fail and in turn they can privatizes a taxpayer ran institution and collect more taxpayer money .to privatizes American is to completely enslave and rule over the taxpayer and make the Constitution null and and void they cant burn it but if they own everything they can change the rules and laws at will .... point out the reason why since about 1990 was there such a need for Mexicans to come here because 1 . Monsanto corp flooded the farm 's down there with cheap seeds that made the food such as the corn down there so cheap the average farmer in Mexico could not sell his crop and compete with there company which in turn there farms went belly up and roughly more then 2 million which of whom were farmers came here for work which in turn was part of a plan by big company's and the politician's they paid for plan to flood the American market with cheap labor and help break the backs of unions and keep there collective costs down and remove workers with benefits. reason illegal's wont complain about wadges and the wont complain about working conditions.. so what I'm trying to say all of this is in part of a bigger plan they have for us for they don't see us as equal's in the sense we are one people but as simply as live stock to be bought and traded and slaughtered if needed to there whims ask yourself are u truly living in a free country and is this country truly for the people by the people if you believe it is then this is the most important thing i have to say don't stop fighting don't ever stop because when we do they will win and we must not and shall not let that happen if not for are own sake then for our children's our brother's mother's father's and our friends sake and anyone else who belives unite and fight. be a slave or be free the choice is ours to make ....
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