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Forum Post: some food

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:10 a.m. EST by RichardGates (1529)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

actually we have lived with far more communism in our history than you would care to learn, would break your heart. now me... i'm a capitalist. until we get to the part bout the elderly, disabled, infrastructure, roads, schools, police, military, coast guard, fbi, cia. see these people are hired by "the government" to perform a service on the public's behalf. that my friend is socialism. but, any time you are ready to forgo those things, let me know, i wana see how long it takes the chinese to take over your island and plant their flag while the new residents whoop your ass with no police and no fire department to extinguish your hut. unless you can afford all those things, then you should be fine. capitalism has it's place too. it allows me compensation equal to my production(wrong). this is what capitalism is supposed to be. but instead the employer(at every level of the economy) has been gifted with an easy out by the right, a little idea that frees them of any moral binding to not be a deadbeat employer. they call them (job creators). well, mail me one then. i want to see it. it's total bullsh!t. demand creates jobs, what... they're going to hire you because they have some extra cash? are they going to lay off when they need the labor to meet their contractual obligations? they have spun and spun basic economics into a heaping pile of misinformation and propaganda to make you feel privileged to get fkd while the guy you agreed to "HELP" for compensation runs off with all of it. the end result is what you see now. the suffocation of capitalism because nobody has any gdamn money. money, you know, the thing capitalism feeds off. so yeah, capitalism is good, when someone isn't strangling it.



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[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago
