Forum Post: 'some' confidence renewed...
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 5, 2012, 12:10 a.m. EST by KofA
from Muenster, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So, I've had my account suffer some 'outages', here. In fact, I had to completely remake this account, several times.
Today, however a moderator fixed the issue, and I am back to "KofA", and not one of the incarnations thereafter (KofAII, KofAIII, and the latest KofAIIII). A moderator fixed the problem by identifying my IP address, and resetting my password. If you have experienced this problem, I'd like to encourage you to pursue this course. I had missed over a half a dozen messages because of this problem. (*Sorry, it wasn't my fault.)
In any case, I returned, only to find the entire thread I started GONE...?
Moderators, "Please do not remove relevant to forum administration, posts." Thank You.