Forum Post: Solve the creditor problem!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 6, 2013, 10:36 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tax the rich lenders to death.
When we must borrow to live, the problem is that the too few we borrow from have too much money and property. Tax 100% of the interest and 200% of the principal. When the rich lenders have starved to death we can start the economy over again and put it on a healthy sustainable track that guarantees we may have a non enslaved future.
To Hell with the debt that enslaves us to the rich! If they don't agree to surrender what they've stolen from our community, deport them to Galt's Island where they can live by their own hard work and ingenuity.
They'll not have our money and goods to capitalize their useless existence. No servants to wipe their dirty asses. No intercourse with the rest of the human race. No infrastructure built for them to use. Just an empty, natural chunk of land to try to live and forage upon. If they can make it on their own with no one to work for them then fine: I won't demand their elimination from the gene pool, as retribution for thousands of years of parasitization of the human race.
Where did you live while you were saving the money to buy your house? How did you pay the rent and save? How did you get around before you'd saved enough to buy a car?
Your model sounds like a great hypothesis that most people would have trouble realizing. How did you overcome those problems?
you must use two CRs to start a new paragraph in these text windows.
The Carraige Return, CR, is the Enter key. Remember typewriters?. Computer keyboards use the ENTER key to perform the carraige return and linefeed. It's oversized on most keyboards, as it is on a typewriter.
When seperated by an empty line, paragraphs shouldn't be indented. That rule is recent. I didn't learn it in grade school in the 1950s. I started school about the time you were buying that first house.
you get a job, live in a cheap apartment, use public tranportation ( or walk to work) while you're saving for what you want to aquire. there is no time limit on how long it will take, there is no deadline for it. it takes as long as it takes.
who pays 30% interest?
OK - so now you have vented & ranted - now do you feel better ?
so you hate the rich and you hate the lenders.
Is there anything REAL here ?
Is this your real answer to a real problem ?
If it is, how can this be done ?
If not, what is YOUR solution?
wake up! until we admit we're the slaves of lenders, there's no hope of freedom. the solution starts with the awakening of fools like you!
excellent response from one who has rants but no answers
I do not respond to name callers
You just did respond and proved that my characterization is correct. Fool is descriptive not a name in the context it was used.
The only way I see people having a "non enslaved future" is if everything is free and they don't have to lift a finger to get it. How is that going to happen?
Whether the rich masters take the profits or we keep the produce of our labors for ourselves, we still do all the work. Right now it's the rich who get everything for free. Their freedom to enslave US is not just ironic. It's abomination of human nature by corruption of social instinct.
Yah, right now people who work for a business or company do it because they want to make money to spend for their needs and desires.
A person doesn't have to go to work for someone - they can work for theselves and start their own business. However they still are enslaved to themselves because they want things.
The rich don't get everything for free. If you think that's the case why then isn't everyone rich?
Why everyone isn't rich? You should be able to figure that for yourself. But if like thinking skills you learned arithmetic at the three stooges school of logic, you can't do the math, can you?
Well I guess you look at our society as being dumb because you don't believe people can become rich? I guess you have been listening to Obama who contends that we only have one class of people - middle class.
But then again, middle class has grown as has people who moved from the middle class to the upper class.
So, if a person wants to become "evil rich and wealthy" they can. Lots of people do it and lots have done it. The secret is "knowing how" and it doesn't come from expecting the government to do it for you.
If to be rich is to have five times the average net worth, what % of the population can be rich if all the rest have zero wealth?
I suspect you can't do that fourth grade math so let me help you. 20% of the population can have 5 times the average if the other 80% of us have nothing at all. Do you get it? I doubt it. I don't think you understand the truth when others do the work of thinking for you.
If you think you see ambiguity in that last sentence, there may be hope for you after all.
You really don't know do you? You see if you gave everyone in this country 100,000 in 5 years you will have people who spend that 100,000 on stupid things and others who will have turned that $100,000 into more money.
So with that being said - not everyone can be wealthy but unless you instil "individual worth" into individuals we will still have those whining about the evil rich and wealthy while those who whine aren't doing anything to help themselves.
There are opporunites out there - and it's up to the individual to figure out how to take advantage of those opportunities. How hard is that to figure out?
What you should be figuring is the probability based on what is mathematically possible. What you really don't know is the impossibility that we can all have more than average, no matter how smart or industrious anyone or everyone is. What you don't get is that finance is a fraud that makes money out of money and hoards wealth rather than creates it. The more the few have the less their is for the many fools like you to fight over. Wake up idiot!
You say finance is a fraud - fraud for who - people who don't want to get off their asses to figure out how to be successful.
I never had a problem making money and paying my bills. Even when I came into town with $300 in my pocket and nothing more - not a job, not a house.
But over the years I worked to build my wealth - seems to me lots of the younger generation think that there are no jobs out there. Well there may be no jobs for anyone who doesn't want to take the initiative to go out and find one.
As a matter of fact for anyone who thinks there are no jobs out there I will provide you with a list of jobs across this country. Doesn't take much effort to locate them - I guess it takes effort to get off their asses to go and get it.
What you're missing is that for every winner with twice the average there must be two losers with half the average. That's a mathematical certainty. What I've been asking all along and you either don't or won't see is: what are the odds?
That's not rhetorical. The actual probabilities can be calculated and I just did so with an elementary example. Do the math before you make absurd claims like: "everyone can be rich."
If you still believe that, show me how any unit of wealth can be divided such that everyone has a more than average share of it.
That's really simple. You should be able to get it. But I bet you'll find another way to evade the question. Won't you?
Oh, and finance is a fraud because usury makes something out of nothing. Perpetual motion machines are fraudulent by their impossible nature. They take the products of real work but put no energy into the system. That is trickery and fraud by definition.
you obviously not only failed math, you failed logic as well. you did quite well in your progressive propaganda class. one persons success does not equal some elses failure to succeed.
your bodily emissions are not an argument.
That's appropriate. Neither was the silly shit to which pffffttt responds. You would have a better case if you understood the math that proved my assertion. You contradict but provide no evidence. Typical troll shit, sock puppet of she nay.
my success does not prevent anyone else from succeeding. your failures do not mean that someone else will succeed.
"my success does not prevent anyone else from succeeding. your failures do not mean that someone else will succeed."
It's not about anyone's success or failure. It's about how to divide a pie so everyone has more than average. It's about a very simple concept that you won't understand. The thing that has you stumped is that the whole is equal to the sum of the parts. If one has a greater share of the pie another must have less. That's a mathematical certainty. Why can't you understand that?
Of course I know that you are not being deliberately obtuse. You sincerely believe in perpetual motion. So I won't waste any more time responding to your childish shit. It's been entertaining but now your stubborn stupidity is beginning to bore me.
the "pie" infinite. you have been ( wrongfully) taught that its finite.
agkaiser is a congenital idiot.
you must have missed out on obama give away programs for non rich ( poor).....phones, housing, ebt cards,