Forum Post: Solution! Visit Now!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:07 p.m. EST by thcourtr
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Wall Street is a pure expression of built up frustration toward a system that affects the daily lives of everyone yet no one seems to be able to understand or control. Politicians are just as ignorant of the situation as the ordinary citizen which is so very obvious when no one in congress seems to be able to agree on the outcome of any economic action. We are a country that is being run by people who have no idea how it’s running. This is why we as Americans feel frustrated that our country really has no control or accountability. It is being run by the money that is moving society along. It is being run by those who control our resources. It is controlled by the top 1% who are the fortune 500 companies. People think that its rich people that control all the wealth. In fact it’s actually the corporations that control all the wealth. The rich people are simply those closest to the top of these big firms who have the first ability to take from the trickle down. They control the trickle down to the rest of our us. But they have no real control over the business either. They can do what they want as long as they are constantly making decisions to increase earnings, profit, or stock price. These people are not evil. These people are simply victims of the system like everyone else. They just happen to have spent years of time and education learning the rules required to play the game they are playing. These people were book smart enough to play the game very well. They just weren’t smart enough to realize their soul was part of the price. They live under the illusion of freedom when they are permanently on call as salaried slave labor. It’s their minds that are bound rather than their bodies. So these people need not be fought. These people need to be freed. They are not the enemy. They understand how to organize and use our resources in the most efficient ways. If only they had the freedom to make the hard decisions to sacrifice short term profits for the long term prosperity of the community. This is the goal of reforming the system. It’s not to tear down the infrastructure. It’s to highjack it for the people. As it stands now, the entity with the largest pockets has the power. As our system has decided that businesses should be legal people with legal rights, then the power in our country is automatically centralized with 500 very specific people. All of them registered with the SEC. These 500 people have something in common which is they are all very pro business. We can see now how all levels of the government have been infiltrated inside and out with agents of these 500 rulers of America. Inside, we see all agencies being filled with board members and officers of major business. Outside, we see billions of dollars being poured into politics through lobbyists and special interest groups that are all supported by this gang of 500. Here’s what needs to happen: this gang of 500 will always run the country. They ARE the country. What these 500 must become are representatives of the people and not representatives of themselves. By converting all stock into bonds and implementing a mandatory 100% profit sharing system by redistributing all stock to all American citizen workers and officers of all publicly traded companies, then all of a sudden, the gang of 500 become representatives of the people. These 500 who control 99% of the wealth and resources will now be representing the people instead of their own profit at all cost. Everything will still work the same way. Nothing will change except the motivations of big business. Big business will fall into line with the desires of the people since they will be able to vote for the boards of directors of the companies they work for. American citizens will have a much more direct connection with the system. They will feel empowered and take part in their democracy. Everyone will feel responsible for their own lives instead of helpless pawns of the faceless unstoppable giant machine that they work for now. There will always be greed and corruption on the personal level. That is why we have laws. It’s our institutionalized greed that is the problem. It’s a structural problem that must be fixed. Only bold action will solve America’s problems. Occupy Wall Street proves that Americans crave this change. Let us join together and break free of the chains of ignorance that led us to this frustrated, disenfranchised state that we are living in now. Let’s focus and change things from the inside. IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!!