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Forum Post: Solution to the Problems. Freedom or Money. (edited)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 12:19 a.m. EST by beyondmoney22 (233)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How is this for a laser solution.

The problems that plague the world are many but the solution is very simple if you can actually wrap your head around it.

The collective world needs to understand one simple thing the one thing that will shut down all of the corporatocracy, banks, insurance companies, credit card companies and allow us to move into a new true democracy, of the people, by the people, for the people, and that is to rid our world of all money.

Protest the existance of money. gone. what that does in turn, is cut of the head of the "beast" by not acknowleging the value of any established currency worldwide. period.

Once you understand the dynamics of a moneyless system you are closer to understanding true freedom.

As long as money exists freedom does not.

That is the ultimate, one shot solution to really change the world.

I know i have to address the inevitable question of, "How to make a worldwide transition into a fully renewable and sustainable world beyond money" so i will try to keep it short:

Step one:EDUCATE: become one voice of humanity, one mission, one mind.

Step two: every town, community, city, county, state, country, and continent has to create electronic secure voting sites where everyone can use their SSN or other identifiers to log on and vote on every issue big and small from the products on the shelves to global warfare this will create the framework for solid local democracies where the people decide everything for themselves (including laws).

Step three: set up food, health/hygeine, and renewable energy co-ops locally in every community to be more self sufficient and sustainble.

Step 4: using the lastest transportation technologies we have to build intercontinetal mag-lev trains to transport people, resources, etc. (All you need is a single rail which can accomodate 3 trains simultaneously. large freight on top, two hanging under. easy to make and an invaluable asset to the people of the world.)

Step 5: force all car makers to manufacture electric or other 100% renewable personal transortation in non fossil fuelled factories , if they dont we shut them down and make our own car companies, but a few will be on board im sure. and we will make these cars by recycling everyones current cars. straight tradeouts.

Step 6: free wireless electricity worldwide. (see tesla). clean water, housing and heathcare for mankind no exceptions. nobody left behind.

Step 7: Burn all the money and shut down the corporatocracy and the banks.

obviously there is much more to this plan but these are the basic steps to ensue the least amount of casualties during a transition to world beyond money. this will quite literally cure humanity of its greed and free the world to become what the people want.

This is real freedom.

This will work.

some unknown force inspired me and have been writing solutions to the problems ecountered by the inevitable revolution for the past 6months unsure of what or why i was writing it (for).

But now i can say that i do know. it is for mankind. its for all of us. I can see that everyone is quick to jump on the problems, but the only thing we should focus on is the solution.

This is the ultimate solution to 99 out of 100 problems facing our people.

Most all the "speculatory" demands of Occupy are ridiculous because they dont offer to fix the problems at the root. the root is money.

as the old saying goes you cant have your cake and eat it too..

money or freedom thats the choice.

I think the people are ready to part ways with money they just need to be more educated to understand that the monetary system was just a stepping stone that has turned into a boulder wedged between the wheels of progress and time.



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