Forum Post: Solution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:44 p.m. EST by atonmikael
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
HI friends
Only occupy and protest is not have an effective solution to solve this problem they are imposed this situation to humanity for centuries,( "the masters of the world".) The solution is; Permanently delete the System of Central Banks (FED) that generate the world's misery and financed all the wars. The money they print, is false because it has no ballast and they charge an abusive interest The solution is the money printed on a productivity of workers whith .ballast Investors will be the workers and not those parasites usurers, profiteers who never produce anything. The result to effort of the works of a nation, is the amount of money that may be issued, without having to pay interest for these moneylenders criminals who control large corporations and global finance.
hours worked and production output is equal to real money The planet does not need to stock exchanges, but needs more productive work. who produces get a honest money, which does not produce do not get nothing. Another warning, do their demonstrations without violence, and pay attention because thouse criminals will put violent anarchists, among you with the intention to discredit the movement. God will enlighten you you can replay if you want