Forum Post: Solidarity to Dignity4
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:44 a.m. EST by zenon777
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
WHAT TO DO NOW Occupy Wall Street and around the world “LOS INDIGNADOS”, form a movement that represents an opportunity, not to overthrow the social order, but rather to start a kind of political movement willing to compromise with all unhappy with the status quo. Its objective should be to convert this feeling, more or less intuitive deprivation of rights, and this widespread discontent in an effective social movement, to help participants to better understand the roots of the problem. Surely this is not, nor will be, a one-way street, where the elite circles of intellectuals, academics, and theoreticians descend from their pedestals to “educate” the masses. For the movement comes to consolidate and able to acquire an adequate self-historical and theoretical knowledge, leadership no matter if is there already, or will be, must be sensitive to the confusion and disorder of the current empirical reality, and respond appropriately to the legitimate claims that are now the voice of the streets demonstrations. Conversely, it will require the will and determined action by the population unhappy with the current system to deepen understanding about the problem they face and commit to a program that seeks long-term social, economic and political emancipation. Also involve a commitment to a broader project to form movements that finally achieve freedom.