Forum Post: Solidarity to Dignity2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:15 a.m. EST by zenon777
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WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS For this reason and for everything that we need to supplement and discuss with seriousness and dedication, OWS could be the most important social movement that has taking place in USA from anti-war movements of the 60’s. His solidarity with movements around the world on the basis of the anti-globalization and anti-capitalist sentiments is an important consequence of in the U.S. But if capitalism can be changed and globalization contained rather than rejected, if the market can be kept under control without being abolished, if democracy can be global and accessible to all. We first understand the how, where and when new trends and achievements of science, communications and information technologies, may serve to promote and disseminate the meanings needed to create awareness of a renewed global society capable to ensure that future. MUTUALLY BINDED From western edge of America, we “Colombians”, who for over for over 50 years have been subject to violence caused by the same faith in a society that worships the material realm, express our solidarity with growing worldwide movement against abuses of the human race. We are angry, “INDIGNADOS”, as people around the world and our neighborhood Americans, angry at the suffering imposed by a political philosophy that promotes exacerbation of infinite economic growth and demands for it to accelerate the extraction and extinction of natural wealth and diversity, all under supervision of a diabolical universal banking and financial system which excessive power is not sustainable. No respect we feel for a system that treats the earth as a deposit of waste, air, water, and soil as final disposal sites of industrial pollutants in a suicide path (see: ). Today as never before, war is considered as a method of problem solving, which in fact is taken us on the verge of a final solution to the human problem: if there are no humans, there is no problem. Fear is widely used to manipulate and convince people to support most shameless actions against innocent civilians and nations. We can be sure that if we examine the institutions of today, those related to economics, politics, health and communications, all of it suffer same fatal illness: They are followers of scientific materialism to the point of distortion by providing more importance to material things, money than human life.