Forum Post: Solidarity to Dignity 1
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:05 a.m. EST by zenon777
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SOLIDARITY TO DIGNITY Despite the ridiculous and optimistic promise of a progressive transformation of man into a better being because of advances in science and technology, the truth is that the expansion of injustice, insecurity and violence, indicate that we are entering in a new dark age of global exploitation and war distress. The social upheaval born this year in Europe and Middle East followed by the recent mobilization called Occupy Wall Street (OWS), show that nations, species, and the whole planet is in grave crisis. QUESTIONS Now is the time to ask who is responsible for social overhead generated by brutal dictators and political regimes around the world, as those deposed in the Middle East exalted to serve as means of natural and strategic profit? To ask if it is true that Europe, USA and multinational banking and financial groups together, led to the distortion of Islam to make bloodthirsty martyrs from peaceful religious followers? time for questions about the need for personal credit and debt to buy what you need to live? time to validate our behavior to download all of our hopes for a better life in consumerism and waste of natural resources? Wonder why humans have been reduced to the status of consumers and customers, ignoring the questions, “Produce what?” and “To what purpose?” questions that remain unanswered, if not undone? Also ask about the abuses of empires dominated by moguls considered Archetypes of existence, but they really are just beings addicted to money and power, whose illness has to be treated simply by not accepting their alienation? Time to demand answers about why conventional medicine only focuses on the physical characteristics of the body through efforts to adjust and manipulate the body’s chemistry to promote the pharmaceutical industry, becoming addicted to prescriptions and patients to be exploited using the health maintenance and medical benefits as a means to produce and play money until all end up in an Intensive Care Unit and suffer a therapeutic cruelty in the name of science and the depletion of emotional, moral and financial family resources.? Times to ask why not work with the body’s energy fields that have proven much more efficient and effective. Time to question the veracity of the information we receive from the media converted into an industry for the production of news and manufacture of consent, today under the overall control of corporations? The answers to this and other questions will help us to know how this whole mess has been and serve as a basis for properly conceptualize our awareness of the libertarian movement.