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Forum Post: Socialism is the answer Capitalism has failed!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 2:55 p.m. EST by socialme (-3)
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Socialism is the answer. Capitalism has failed. We will target the ports and they will be shut down in the name of a new socialist society. You will not stop us. We are the 99%!!!



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[-] 1 points by Ricky1972 (1) from Rebecca, GA 13 years ago

Most people fear the term "Socialism." I for one support it. Its when a nation takes care of its people first. China, Russia, and North Korea all claim to be socialist; although they are truly dictatorships. I prefer to use the term "Democratic Socialism." That is where the people have a vote in what goes on. Our new society could use the internet in a way that allows all citizens to cast a vote on every decision. There would only need to be a vehicle set in motion to protect this system from being abused by users trying to cast more than one vote. I have prayed for this day the majority of my life and now it is finally here. Occupy is more than just a movement. I see it as God working through the people. Its a dawn of a new age, and when we are finished; The nation of Man will be the only nation that will exist. One people, One Planet, One Nation. We are more than just the 99%, We are "THE OTHER NEW WORLD ORDER." Democratic Socialism is the only answer. What benefits the whole, benefits the individual as well. Capitalism benefits the handful at the top. After the peaceful battle is won; as Jesus, Buddah, Allah, and all other enlightened figures would want; We will Occupy much more than Earth. We will Occupy the moon, mars, and the stars; and we will do it as a species known as Man. Occupy---and do not STOP!!!

[-] 1 points by dspace (47) 13 years ago

Capitalism worked fine for many many many years. Capitalism is still good. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Fix the corruption... the corruption that eventually pops up in any socioeconomic system after it's been in use for a while.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Hahahahaha! No, it isn't the answer.


[-] 0 points by socialme (-3) 13 years ago

We will succeed in our mission against the U S A!!!


[-] 0 points by socialme (-3) 13 years ago

Listen up people! The oppressive US government will noy stop us. We will target whatever we want. Try to stop the 99 percent. Bridges, buildings, ports and airports are ours. We will bring this government to a hault. You cant stop the 99%!!!

[-] 0 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

Crony capitalism has failed. It is a result of globalist corporatism. Pure socialism is merely another crony system.